Nós fomos enviados um belo presente de Brilliant Bicycles no mês passado, então decidimos fazer o único thinggive lógico longe em uma Caça Scavenger A tensão era alta como as pessoas antecipado quando a moto seria escondido. Finalmente, às 14h na quarta-feira. A caçada começou e as pessoas começaram a correr pelo edifício em busca da bicicleta. Foi achado rapidamente pelo afortunado Tony Gambino. Obrigado, Brilhante, pela bela moto, e parabéns Tony Na semana passada, o Diretor de Criação, Alvaro Sotomayor comemorou seu 20º aniversário de trabalhar na WK Amsterdam. Descrito como um festival de um homem, um antidepressivo andando e um homem que fala em emoções, lvaro é, sem dúvida, a alma da agência. Para marcar seu aniversário nós jogamos-lhe uma festa surpresa maciça, que começou no jardim, continuou em nosso barco da agência e terminou com dançar a noite afastado em uma festa temático tropical em Amsterdams Pllek. Foram pia coladas, gigante bananas infláveis e surpresa família e amigos de todo o mundo. Tudo para honrar o nosso amado Alvaro. Mas isso não é tudo. Ao longo de seus vinte anos, Alvaro teve um impacto significativo dentro da agência e Amsterdams mais ampla cena criativa, que firmemente o estabeleceu como uma figura de proa e embaixador da indústria criativa da cidade. Fundação WKs incubadora programa O Kennedys, tornando-se o primeiro não-Holandês criativo publicidade nele para ser introduzido em ADCNs prestigiado Salão de Honras e usando sua arte para ajudar a proibição de touradas na Espanha, são apenas algumas das suas muitas realizações. Por isso, o nomeamos para o Prêmio Andreas, uma honra oficial da Câmara Municipal de Amsterdã, concedida a indivíduos por realizações excepcionais no domínio do esporte, arte, política, mídia ou educação na cidade de Amsterdã, com influência demonstrada além da cidade e das fronteiras nacionais. Em uma última surpresa, Alvaro foi apresentado com a medalha Andreas em Pllek pelo vereador do Município de Amsterdã, Pieter Litjens. Uma vez que ele percebeu que o prêmio era de verdade e Pieter não era um stripper Alvaro tinha isso a dizer: Me humilha ser reconhecido oficialmente com este prêmio e por viver meu lema diário: Live by love. Amor muda um dia mundano em um dia vale a pena estar vivo para. Quero agradecer a minha família e meus amigos pela minha festa de aniversário de 20 anos e para reverter os papéis de um dia. Eu senti o amor Quero mais de Alvaro Abaixo está um trecho do e-mail que ele enviou ao redor do escritório em seu Amsterversary e antes que ele sabia o que estava na loja para ele mais tarde no dia Era setembro de 1995, quando eu voei do aeroporto de Maui , Para LAX e de lá para Amsterdã para entrevistar em uma agência de lançamento americana que introduz Nike para o continente europeu. Como era minha primeira entrevista de trabalho oficial eu usei meu terno de veludo verde de três peças super e um bronzeado tão profundo como Jay-Z. I chegou à pitoresca cidade de Amsterdã em um dos mais glorioso verão ensolaradas dias. Ele foi 28 graus fora portanto, talvez veludo wasnt a melhor escolha de guarda-roupa. Mas a minha outra opção foi algum californiano bowling traje então eu fui para a escolha segura. Vinte anos mais tarde, hoje, o sol ainda brilha e minha vida é incrível. Estar em uma agência onde o lema é andar estúpido todos os dias você pode imaginar eu me senti em casa. E eu ainda faço, diariamente. Eu ando em estúpido e eu ainda me apaixono por este lugar e todo mundo nele. Eu me relaciono com Dori em Finding Nemo ou goldfish. Eu vou e volta este lugar pensando é um oceano. Estou surpreso como pouco mudou. E como nossas tradições persistem. Mas heck algumas coisas mudaram temos um barco E um bar e ping pong torneios Este lugar é incrível. Este lugar realmente traz o melhor em nós. Estou animado para escrever isso novamente em 2035. Acho que podemos fazer as pessoas acreditam que há esperança no mundo e convencê-los com os nossos sorrisos. Na quinta-feira, 24 de setembro, WiedenKennedy, juntamente com um punhado de outros patrocinadores locais, organizou um mini-con três em Portland, Oregon (EUA). . O evento de dia inteiro consistiu em keynotes, painéis, networking, uma sessão de ioga e, claro, coquetéis. Clique aqui para uma visão mais detalhada da formação de oradores e participantes fantásticos e inspiradores. Meron Medhanie, estrategista do WK, reflete sobre o dia. Eles me vêem. 8211 Jamie Curl Confiar em sua viagem, individualidade e seu gênio, como Intisar Abioto disse poderosamente, é um pouco mais fácil de fazer quando você é visto, ouvido e compreendido. Mas quando as pessoas reconhecem a sua sorte, em vez de seu gênio, ele apaga completamente o seu talento e trabalho duro, fazendo você se sentir como um destinatário do sucesso, em vez de um criador. (Sarah Shapiro, cineasta, diretora e criadora de Lifetime8217s Unreal) Sarah Shapiro compartilhou isso com vigor e paixão como ela bateu em um monte de temas abordados na primeira 3 Mini Conferência em Portland. O primeiro ser, nunca subestime o poder que uma pessoa tem para fazer uma mudança. Ou como Kat Gordon disse, 8220Se algo está quebrado no mundo, você pode muito bem ser a pessoa para corrigi-lo. E isso é o que ela se propôs a fazer. Kat Gordon fundou a 3 Conferência, estabelecendo uma comunidade de mulheres incríveis e manbassadors em 2012, depois de saber que percentagem representou o número de diretores criativos femininos em nossa indústria. Desde que a organização se lançou há quatro anos, o número de directores criativos femininos aumentou de 3 para 11. Mas ficou claro durante todo o dia que ainda há muito trabalho a ser feito. Como Chelsea Vandiver disse melhor, as lutas estavam lidando com são reais. Tentando superar a barreira da cuteness a ser levada a sério, e esta idéia de matrydom para o trabalho, juntamente com uma extrema culpa por não ser suficiente para o seu trabalho, família e você levou a inúmeras conversas de como você ficar nele quando Parece que tudo está empilhado. A resposta: Se você se sentir como o seu o que você tem que fazer, é a sua paixão, então você não pode desistir. É o momento em que você solta uma fantasia e se inclina para a que você está destinado, essa descoberta acontece. E realmente, aquele é o espaço que nós jogamos em o dia inteiro. (Intisar Abioto, Fotógrafo, Dançarino, Escritor, Explorador, The Black Portlanders) Ouvimos histórias poderosas sobre o que as pessoas estão criando e como as pessoas estão mudando o jogo. Mulheres como Mira Kaddoura e Sarah Shapiro que são intencionais em quem eles contratam, em vez de contratar o cara que se parece com o último cara que contratamos. Mulheres corajosas que nos desafiaram a falar quando alguém descreve uma mulher como insensível ou emocional, e em vez disso dizer coisas como 8220hmm ela realmente pensa em seus pés e é bastante apaixonado. (DeAngelo Raines, Co-Fundador Diretor de Arte de Serviço e Caridade Stratos, CEO / Fundador do Serviço) Tanto quanto todos nós prosperamos em um ambiente de apoio, Tig Notaro lembrou-nos que a última coisa que você quer é um ambiente seguro. Estar em um ambiente de 100 nutrição, você não vai realmente crescer. Então, como fazemos um equilíbrio Im não realmente certo. Podemos começar com a criação de um espaço onde todos possam compartilhar sua perspectiva. E abraçando essa estranheza, como Tig tão graciosamente faz em sua posição. Reconhecendo que eles não conseguem isso, vamos discutir isso e ter confiança que podemos passar por conversas difíceis. Ou como Charity Stratos compartilhado, estando bem com 8220healthy conflito para encontrar um novo terreno comum. Dan Wieden acrescentou que somos mais poderosos quando diversos. A melhor maneira de resolver um problema é quando há várias perspectivas na sala. A diversidade é a melhor coisa que pode acontecer à criatividade. Para colocar isso em perspectiva, Kat Gordon perguntou à platéia: "Vemos 3.000 anúncios por dia que moldam como vemos as coisas em todas as facetas da vida. Queremos que ele venha de uma perspectiva ou queremos que ela seja representativa da América A WK está se associando com a 3 Conferência para trazer um dia inspirador de badass líderes criativas para falar, colaborar e mentor na PNCA em 24 de setembro. Tig Notaro , Stand-up comic e estrela de HBOs Tig Notaro: Boyish Girl Interrompido. Será o título, ao lado de Sarah Shapiro, cineasta, diretora e criadora de Lifetimes UnREAL. A conferência abrangerá uma variedade de indústrias criativas de comunicações para entretenimento, alimentos, tecnologia e doers / makers. Cada alto-falante vai explorar como eles chegaram a onde estão, e onde eles querem ir a partir daqui. O evento acontece no espaço novo do super-rad dos PNCAs situado em 511 NW Broadway de 8:30 am - 5:30 pm. Obtenha seus ingressos e detalhes aqui: bit. ly/3percentpdx It8217s setembro, de modo que significa it8217s Bike Commute Challenge mês aqui em Oregon Uma das muitas vantagens de trabalhar em WiedenKennedy é que nós apoiamos nossos viajantes de bicicleta. Portland, afinal de contas. A aliança de transporte de bicicletas. Um grupo de defesa de moto sem fins lucrativos com sede em Portland, coloca o Bike Commute Challenge em Setembro, durante o qual as empresas competem para ter a maior percentagem de deslocamentos por bicicleta. WK é sempre um corredor na competição (we8217ll pegá-lo este ano, Reed College). Nós usamos o mês de setembro para mostrar o nosso amor extra de bicicleta comutadores, organizando festas e workshops, pequenos-almoços semanais e prêmios de sorteio. (Crédito de cartaz para Garrett Close de WK Studio) Banc De Binário Banc De Revisão Binária Atualizado em 2016-08-25 por Martin Kay Banc De Binário é um dos corretores mais antigos em torno, fundada em 2008. O site é de propriedade e operado por Banc De Binary Ltd. uma empresa regulamentada pela Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission sob o número de licença 188/13 (regulamentado desde 07/01/2013). Sua sede está localizada em 4, Profiti Ilia Street Kanika Centro Internacional de Negócios 8211 Office 401 Germasogeia CY-4046 Limassol, Chipre. O Banco de Binário também está registado na Autoridade de Conduta Financeira sob o número 596375 e noutras entidades reguladoras dos respectivos países em que actuam. Actualização Agosto de 2016: Temos de fazer uma clara distinção entre os dois domínios web do Banc de Binário: Domínio bancdebinary é detida e operada pela Ash Ltd e sua empresa afiliada à Aster Services Ltd. com número de incorporação: 204033843 endereço: Sofia 1463, Sofia District, Bulgária. O endereço comercial da Ash Ltd situa-se na UL. Stoney ground, P. O. Box 1823, VC-100 Kingstown, São Vicente, Grenadyny. Fora da União Européia, a Ash Ltd. opera este site. Os seus serviços não estão à disposição dos cidadãos dos EUA, da Austrália e da Nova Zelândia. O outro nome de domínio é eu. bancdebinary e se você pousar neste site (dependendo da região que você está acessando a partir de), você verá que a sua propriedade e operado por Banc De Binary Ltd. Todos os detalhes acima são ainda válidos ( Número da licença, endereço, etc.). É Banc de Binário um Scam Por um lado, BBinary. eu está fazendo um passo em frente para a regulamentação europeia, BBinary. co. uk ganhou FCA regulamento, e outras marcas atingiram a regulamentação CySec. Por outro lado, nós ouvimos de financemagnates, um respeitado site B2B Financeiro, que banc de binário está tendo problema com as autoridades dos EUA. Atualização fev 2016 8211 Banc de Binário atingiu um colossal acordo 11 com as autoridades dos EUA. Atualização Maio de 2016: a questão dos EUA está agora em um passado distante e Banc de Binário é bem regulamentado e até mesmo parceria com Liverpool clube de futebol, mas a quantidade de queixas não pode ser negligenciado. A maioria das queixas se concentrar em duas coisas: gerente de contas perdeu o dinheiro, e táticas de vendas agressivas para a resposta para É um embuste é difícil. Depende de quem você pedir. As autoridades oficiais como CySEC e FCA estão OK com Banc de Binário. Liverpool Football Club estão bem com eles. Os ventos ruins das autoridades dos EUA já estão passados. Se você perguntar os comerciantes que publicaram suas histórias em fóruns e sites, they8217ll dizer-lhe it8217s uma farsa, mas provavelmente a resposta está em algum lugar no meio. Em BOTS, recomendamos a todos os comerciantes que estão usando ou pensando em usar Banc de Binário para evitar aceitar o conselho de seu gerente de conta a todo custo, porém isso não é algo específico para esta corretora. A única questão é que vemos essas queixas em uma escala muito maior quando se trata de Banc de Binário. Faça sua matemática aqui. No entanto, este corretor opera em pleno poder desde 2009, então eles devem estar fazendo algo certo depois de tudo. It8217s não apenas a nossa chávena de chá. Editor8217s Nota 8211 Por que Banc De Binary Suck em 50 palavras (minha opinião) Eles oferecem uma conta Demo. Eu sei que não soa ruim e você pode estar se perguntando se eu por engano colocou isso em Por que suga. Bem, aqui está: eles dizem que você tem que depositar a quantidade mínima de 250 para que você tenha acesso à conta Demo e mesmo se você fez isso, você não sabe quanto tempo você pode usar esta demonstração. O período será a critério do seu gerente de conta. Então, na verdade, o Demo gratuito não é tão livre depois de tudo e você não sabe por quanto tempo você pode usá-lo. Talvez uma semana, talvez um dia depende do seu gerente de conta. Por que Banc De Binary não suga (minha opinião) Seu site contém muito mais informações sobre opções binárias do que estamos habituados a ver de corretores regulares e acho que é uma boa idéia para oferecer um material tão complexo educacional. Tenha em mente que quando digo complexo, eu compará-lo com outros corretores mainstream, e não para sites educacionais reais, como é claro, BOTS. Devo abrir uma conta no Banc de Binário O primeiro sentimento que tive quando acessei seu site foi uma desordem: muita informação espremida, um monte de conteúdo vinculado e um irritante Live Pop-up de suporte que cobre uma grande porção de Minha tela e permanece constantemente em algum lugar no meio da página. A única coisa é que eu posso encontrar o botão Live Chat sozinho e eu não preciso pop-ups para isso. Pode ser apenas uma preferência pessoal, mas eu realmente não gosto de pop-ups e eu fico imediatamente irritado quando vejo um. Atualização: Felizmente o pop-up irritante é agora ido. Provavelmente eu não era o único reclamando sobre ele. Ok, em movimento, eu dei uma olhada em sua plataforma, que é alimentado por Spot opção e isso torna mais fácil de usar e com recursos suficientes para manter os novatos e comerciantes experientes feliz. Não há necessidade de baixar qualquer software e tudo pode ser acessado on-line, um fato que é uma característica da plataforma de negociação Spot Option e muitos outros. Sua plataforma possui um construtor de opção funcional, negociação de 60 segundos, One Touch e retornos muito bons entre 70 e 91 para as opções de dinheiro. No entanto, o retorno 91 raramente é visto na plataforma, mas acho que é bom para fins de marketing. A média é de cerca de 72, média para a indústria. Banc De Binário não oferece um reembolso no caso de OTM. Banc De Binary oferece contas diferenciadas em outras palavras, quanto mais você depositar mais benefícios você terá. A conta low-end é denominada Bronze e requer um depósito inicial de 250 euros, seguido da conta Silver (depósito mínimo de 2.500 EUR) e da conta Gold (depósito mínimo de 5.000 EUR). Anteriormente eles tinham uma conta VIP, com bons benefícios, mas vimos outros corretores que oferecem aqueles para contas padrão ou para um depósito menor. Se o seu depósito exceder 100K (enorme, eu sei), você realmente ser tratado como um rei: você receberá um assistente pessoal para fazer suas chamadas e reservar suas nomeações, encomendar presentes on-line e muito mais. Além disso, se você precisa de acesso lista de convidados ou bilhetes para um evento esgotado, você pode pedir-lhes ajuda. Tudo soa digno de um filme para ser honesto, mas se eu descer para a Terra, eu percebo que eu não tenho 100K para investir em Opções Binárias nem mesmo 50K e eu aposto que a maioria dos comerciantes estão na mesma situação. Então, para mim, Banc De Binário é uma empresa focada nos grandes rolos e os benefícios que eles oferecem aos comerciantes regulares não são realmente pendentes. Para concluir, se você é um rolo de alta que pode investir dezenas ou centenas de milhares de dólares em Opções Binárias, talvez Banc De Binário é uma boa escolha para você. Caso contrário, eu iria olhar para um corretor diferente, mais adequado às suas necessidades e situação financeira. Atualização: A conta VIP já não está disponível, mas de alguma forma eu ainda acredito que eles vão te oferecer os benefícios mencionados anteriormente para a conta VIP se você depositar uma grande soma. No site a conta VIP foi substituída por uma Lion Premium Account para clientes que depositam mais de 10.000 euros. Os benefícios desta conta de Leão não são descritos no site e, obviamente, não depositar esta soma. Banc de Queixas Binárias Nós em BinaryOptionsThatSuck sempre procurar reclamações, alertas de fraude ou scam possível, realizando uma pesquisa simples, que também poderia ser feito em casa: basta escrever o nome dos corretores, neste caso bbinary / banc de binário ou Bdb, em seguida, digite Scam, fraude, chupar, queixas, etc Pesquisa dipper em fóruns e site confiável e olhar para os comentários dos usuários. Quando buscamos o binário, a pesquisa era simples. Quando buscamos comentários sobre, banc de binário encontramos bastante alguns deles. Se ou não os comentários, comentários e reclamações provenientes de todos os comerciantes frustrados, ou realmente ter mérito, não podemos ter certeza de neste momento. O que podemos dizer é proteger seu dinheiro e tomar uma decisão sábia ao escolher um corretor. Atualização de agosto de 2016: Esta corretora continua a obter opiniões mistos de seus comerciantes. Venha pensar nisso, este é o caso de todas as corretoras, mas o fato de que as pessoas falam sobre eles significa que sua base de clientes ainda é alta. Banc De Binary Bonus Eles mudaram sua estrutura de bônus de uma forma que agora é completamente a critério do Executivo de Contas. Bônus ainda ir tão alto quanto 100 eo que eu não gosto é que eu não poderia encontrar a estrutura de volume de negócios exata em seu site (não sabemos o quanto você tem que negociar antes que você está autorizado a retirar). Provavelmente, o executivo de contas vai decidir isso também De qualquer maneira, como você sabe, nossa opinião é que um grande bônus cria mais problemas do que benefícios. O principal problema é, naturalmente, o fato de que você não pode retirar até que o volume de negócios necessário é realizado e quanto maior o bônus, maior o volume de negociação necessário até que você pode retirar. No entanto, a coisa boa é que eles não forçar o comerciante a aceitar o bônus. Atualização de agosto de 2016: O bônus de 100 está disponível apenas para proprietários de contas Gold e para cima. Banc De Binário Retirada O valor mínimo da retirada é de 100 USD / EUR / GBP, será processado pelo Banc De Binary normalmente em 5 dias úteis, mas levará mais tempo (dependendo do método de retirada escolhido) até que o dinheiro seja visível Na sua conta. Não há taxas cobradas pelo Banc De Binário, mas o seu banco ou serviço de processamento de pagamentos pode cobrar de acordo com sua política. Métodos de retirada disponíveis são cartões de crédito / débito, transferência bancária e Skrill (MoneyBookers). Update agosto 2016: O tempo de processamento é de 7 dias úteis em média e uma vez que é feito, vai demorar mais tempo, dependendo do seu método de retirada: fio bancário 2 a 7 dias úteis de cartão de crédito 2 a 5 dias úteis Skrill instantaneamente para 24 horas. Banc De Binary Extras Eles oferecem um Grátis ZuluTrade recurso. Esta é uma plataforma de comércio social bem conhecida onde você pode seguir os comerciantes mais bem sucedidos de acordo com seu ZuluRank e lucro (ou perder) quando o fazem. Banc De Binary Ratings User Friendly 18/20 Seu site é oferecido em 10 idiomas, a plataforma Spot 2.0 plataforma é conhecida por ser amigável para que tudo parece bom, exceto a desordem que eu mencionei anteriormente eo irritante pop-up que continuou aparecendo, embora Fechei-o várias vezes. Atualização: bem, esse pop-up já se foi. Bom riddance No entanto, tenho de notar que o seu site é muito lento e especialmente se eu abrir duas ou três páginas separadas, as coisas começam a ficar muito lento. Número de ativos e prazos de expiração 19/20 Sua cesta de ativos de negociação é composta de 97 ações, 25 pares de moedas, 8 commodities e 23 índices. Seu índice de ativos foi aumentado desde a última visita, especialmente a sua oferta de ações. Todos os tempos normais de expiração estão disponíveis, incluindo 60 segundos de negociação, One Touch e um construtor de opções que permite que você escolha sua própria expiração. Atualização de agosto de 2016: Eles oferecem uma nova categoria de ativos chamada Synthetic, que contém 13 pares. Aqui você pit estoque versus outro estoque, uma mercadoria versus outra commodity ou índices versus índices e seu simplesmente um outro nome para o comércio mais comum pares. Comissões, Suporte e Retorno Efectivo 17/20 Banc De Binary não cobra por você depositar ou retirar, mas haverá alguns custos relacionados a transferências bancárias ou outros métodos de retirada. Seus agentes de apoio ao cliente são muito educados, mas há espaço para melhorias, especialmente sobre a velocidade de resposta. O retorno efetivo vai tão alto quanto 91 de acordo com eles, mas eu ainda tenho que ver um ativo que oferece 91 lucro. O retorno médio é de 72, e alguns ativos vão até 82. Não há nenhum reembolso para OTM (pelo menos não poderíamos localizar qualquer na maioria dos principais ativos). Depósito, pagamento e bônus 17/20 O depósito mínimo é de 250 e pode ser feito através de cartão de crédito, Bank Wire ou Skrill (MoneyBookers). Os pagamentos provenientes de Banc De Binário para você serão feitos para a mesma fonte do primeiro dinheiro veio (se você depositou via cartão de crédito, você terá que retirar para o mesmo cartão). A estrutura de bônus foi alterada: ela ainda pode ir até 100, mas depende do que o Executivo de Conta decidir. O volume de negócios necessário (antes de uma retirada pode ser feita) não é especificado no site, por isso só podemos assumir que será decidido pelo seu executivo de conta. O comerciante pode optar por não aceitar qualquer bônus. Website Extras 18/20 Seu material educacional é mais complexo do que em outros sites e eles oferecem uma conexão para ZuluTrade, que é uma plataforma de comércio social bem conhecida. Atualização de agosto de 2016: sua plataforma SpotOption agora oferece gráficos de velas e a possibilidade de alterar os prazos. Banc De Ratings Binários 89 Regular (3) 8211 Baixo Rating de Usuários (-5) 87/100 No caso de um corretor receber uma baixa avaliação de usuários bots (Xlt50) nossa equipe deduz 5 pontos da classificação global. I8217ve não foi feliz com Banc De Binário e está pensando em 8220scammer8221 final. Eu investi o dinheiro na troca, tive um de seus corretores que era realmente rude e insistente, me dá as instruções negociando que eu segui. Perda após perda. E eles estavam me empurrando para trocar maiores quantias, depositar mais dinheiro, que era então colocado em comércios, eles me instruíram sobre isso levou a perdas novamente. Depois, eu tinha o suficiente e queria fechar minha conta e tirar meu dinheiro e eles tomaram uma taxa enorme de 80 O capital restante. Wtf Não fui feliz com a maneira que eu fui tratado. Eu sinto muito o mesmo sobre BdB. Sempre pedindo mais para ser depositado, principalmente os comércios dada, perder. Então ler outros comentários não é um bom presságio. Eu tenho algumas posições abertas de longo prazo que ainda estão parecendo boas. Mesmo se eles ganharem, eu sinto que nunca vou ver uma chance de chamá-lo um dia e recuperar o meu dinheiro. Eu concordo assim. Sinto-me enganado. Muito insistente e desagradável 8220 conta managers8221 que won8217t não aceitar uma resposta, mas manter empurrando repetidas vezes para colocar mais dinheiro em jogo. Eu segui suas instruções e perdi um monte de dinheiro. Agora eu só quero sair e ter pedido a retirada do montante total restante. Agora eles estão tentando me parar de retirada Comportamento realmente ofensivo. Me deixa realmente maluco. Acho que não é uma empresa honesta. Não posso recomendar Banc de binário. I got meu 250 depósito back quicly sem problemas. Eu, então, cometeu o erro de me envolver com WMOption. Não um peep fora deles. É claro que é o que eles querem .. todos os seus corretores são pagos uma comissão sobre o quanto eles trazem in8230as logo que seu depositado seu considerado deles abriu uma conta, mas didn8217t colocar em qualquer dinheiro, mas eles mantiveram soando-me que me faz um pouco cauteloso Quando eles continuam perseguindo você o que você acha que eu dei-lhes a quantidade mínima de 250 para o comércio para mim e me aconselhar. Foram necessários três supervisores para me deixar fora do bolso sem nenhum lucro para mostrar. Pior do que que me deixou com um descoberto 2300 no meu banco com encargos diários incorridos e eu não posso pagar o banco de volta este dinheiro. Eles são realmente unprofessional e eu solicitei a minha taxa inicial de 250 a ser reembolsado, mas todos eles disseram que eu poderia obter foi 50. Eu realmente espero que as pessoas vão evitar estes artistas scam e parar de colocar dinheiro em seus bolsos para o comércio para eles porque senhor sabe quantos As pessoas lá fora acabaram como eu. O QUE. Eles tomam 80 de sua retirada. Isso é tão louco e roubando. TODO o meu dinheiro foi negociado por eles e todos perderam 8000.00 em 5 minutos depois de seguir as instruções corretores OMG A mesma coisa aconteceu com me8230I foi devastado. A parte triste é que eu gostei de aprender usando um dólar comércios. Apenas considere se você tem milhares para desperdiçar e plana fora recusar a8221 account manager8221. Eu estive em contato, com um corretor com o nome de James .. que está me ajudando a começar com a minha conta Banc De Binary. Mas depois de ler a sua mensagem, eu não tenho certeza sobre isso mais. Eu também não me sinto seguro dando-lhes os meus detalhes do cartão de crédito, incluindo número CVV e datas expirey. Obrigado pela revisão, vou ficar longe. Passou por exatamente o mesmo e perdeu 10 K no processo. Duas pessoas, um Harry Markos e Elliot Greene estavam empurrando e tentando até quase perder tudo. Eles estavam tão puto quando eu decidir tomar o meu dinheiro restante e correr. Eles me assediam diariamente, me forçavam a entrar em negócios maiores e maiores, ganhavam um ou dois e, em seguida, para superá-lo em um evento NFP em uma sexta-feira me perdeu quase todo o meu dinheiro. Resposta foi, desculpe colocar mais dinheiro na plataforma. Eu gostaria de poder fazer algo sobre isso com certeza. O mesmo aqui. Coloque em um pedido de retirada em 25 de outubro Verifique meu banco hoje 20 Nov nada. Toda a revisão boa sobre bdb é fazer com depósito e troca. O que o ponto quando você can8217t retirar Cuidado com bdb estou prestes a abrir conta com eles, mas lendo acima que você não recebeu seus fundos, me assustar. Seu conselho pls Bem feito Um honesto blog será sempre bem-vindo. Obrigado Eu abri uma conta no Banc de Binary há algumas semanas (500) e optei pelo bônus de 125. Grande erro Eu sou um novato e decidiu retirar 400 depois que eu estava fazendo ok e foi dito que eu não poderia retirar nada até que o meu volume de negócios atingiu 17.000 e eu estava atualmente em 1.780. Eu don8217t comércio grande porque I8217m não que experiente e eu quero ter cuidado com o meu dinheiro. Eu estava pensando que eu poderia complementar a minha renda, mas agora eu quero fechar a minha conta e eles melhor me permitem fazê-lo. Eles basicamente oi-jacked meu dinheiro. Foi-me dito pelo serviço ao cliente que eu assinado para o bônus ea única opção que tenho é chegar até 17.000 volume de negócios e não iria demorar tanto tempo. Antes que eu perca todo o meu dinheiro eu vou exigir que fechar a minha conta e devolver o meu dinheiro. Foi-me dito que, se eu quiser retirar a qualquer momento, sem a merda de volume de negócios eu deveria ter recusado o bônus de 125. Cuidado com os bônus porque eles estão lá por uma razão. Eu entendo a sua experiência, eu acho que com qualquer corretor, não tome qualquer bônus, é sempre uma armadilha para o comerciante. Olá. Eu abri uma conta com BDB apenas min prata 250. Eu tenho uma chamada para depositar 5000, a fim de lucrar mais. Chame-me louco, mas o que por que você pagaria tanto para começar. Hovever sua plataforma parece O. K decidiu não ir com ele. E fechar minha conta. Obrigado pelo companheiro, I8217m tentando decidir o tempo para confiar e investir nesses caras - mas uma coisa é certa - há sempre um catch8217 se isso soa bom t ser verdadeiro, então provavelmente é 8217 O mesmo acontece comigo, Eles mantiveram Insistindo em mais dinheiro e quando eu disse que não e queria retirar o meu dinheiro que me deu alguns maus negócios e esvaziou a minha conta para que eu não tinha nada para retirar Eu concordo totalmente com PissOff e também gostaria de esclarecer os outros é PRESSURED para adicionar mais dinheiro Para a conta 8211 eles disseram como sobre este CC 8211 Eu disse que é no máximo assim que eles tentaram e acrescentou 3 MIL a minha já sobre o limite CC 8211 assim que este me deu um produto 8220apple8221 Eu assinei papéis para esse efeito e tenho Ainda para ver o produto Os comerciantes binários sempre dizem que vamos investir não mais do que 25 de sua estaca para que você não vai perder 8211 YEAH DIREITO BULL CRAP aqui é o negócio 8211 você está no Skype com um comerciante 8211 Gerry algo BIG está acontecendo com xxx tão Colocar em 8 thous (eu tinha 15 na conta) 10 minutos mais tarde 8211 isso é grande 8211 colocar em 8 para YYY 8211 whoops você não tem 8 thous 8211 quanto então colocar no 7 como vamos ganhar grande BATENTE CRASHED Agora eles não vão mesmo responder e-mails ou skype Por favor, apresse com a atualização no banco d binário parece manter-se mostrando como um dos principais corretores BO, o que está acontecendo no BancdeBinary está executando seus negócios com base no pressuposto de que cada comerciante está condenado e Destinados a perder todos, eventualmente, é por isso que dão bônus a novos clientes com uma cadeia tão suja anexado que um novo cliente que aceitou bônus deve negociar vinte vezes o montante do seu investimento original antes que eles são autorizados a retirar. Não duas vezes. Mas vinte vezes mais antes da retirada. Antes de ir para BDB, você deve ter googled e digitou a palavra-chave 8220banc de binário sec8221 Abaixo estão mais histórias sobre esses artistas con. Quando forexpeacearmy tentou expor a sua personalidade, eles atacaram o site por implacável spam de Israel e Bélgica. As palavras estão se espalhando rapidamente que estão escondidas Tome sua conta, em vez disso, como a chance de exercer como negociar opções binárias. Além de todas essas armadilhas, é extremamente difícil retirar dinheiro da BDB. Depósito não é problema com qualquer e cada corretor. É a retirada que separa os bons dos maus. Para sua referência: (1) Originalmente eu fui atraído a esta companhia pelo 8220recommendation8221 assim chamado por algum Web site da revisão do corretor que deu a classificação de cinco estrelas em BDB. Ele didn8217t levar menos de um mês no entanto, antes que eu veio a saber que era BDB que executa o site de revisão. Eles estão executando um site de negociação e vários sites de revisão juntos. O que um esquema Review sites executar pelo BDB são binaryoptionsdaily, binaryoptionstradingreview, binaryoptionsreviews. biz, mybancdebinaryreview etc, apenas para citar alguns. (2) O que me fez ter certeza mais sobre BDB foi o local do escritório que foi explicitamente designado no edifício TrumphTower, Manhattan, NewYork. TrumphTower, Manhattan e NewYork todos combinados juntos faria uma grande reputação e confiabilidade, sem dúvida. Mas você sabe o que aconteceu depois Ha8230. Eles não estavam operando negócios lá. Eles alugaram um quarto falso como uma caixa postal só para satisfazer o requirment de lei comercial para lançar uma empresa. É uma pseudo quarto no sentido estrito, sem pessoal, sem ser humano durante todo o dia. Meu amigo, vivendo em NY, que também tem uma conta com BDB vivendo foi lá em Trumph Tower para verificar e verificar o seu negócio real, físico. Mas para seu choque, ele viu a ausência total de tal nome como BDB na lista de inquilinos do edifício Trumph Tower. Longa história curta, por favor, perceber que os tubarões como BDB abundam cada canto que você se deparar no mar do mundo forex. Tenha extremo cuidado e ficar o mais longe possível do Banc de Binário Muito obrigado pela sua leitura e desejo-lhe uma boa sorte eu liguei para eles e me disseram que eles serão regulamentados em um mês Oi pessoal, como você explica o BDB está listado Entre as 100 maiores empresas dos EUA. Em nome do Banco de Binário, agradecemos a todos pelo seu interesse na nossa empresa. Você está convidado a ler nossos documentos de Conformidade e Educação que podem ser encontrados em nosso site www. bbinary, e não hesite em contactar-nos via Live Chat ou qualquer outro canal disponível. We8217re também animado para confirmar que CySEC, Cyprus8217 credenciado regulador, está processando o nosso pedido de licenciamento, uma vez que é uma das primeiras jurisdições da UE para regular as opções binárias. Banc de Binary tem quatro escritórios em todo o mundo e acaba de estabelecer um escritório em Chipre. Congratulamo-nos com todas e quaisquer perguntas, nossas informações de contato completo pode ser encontrado aqui em bbinary entre em contato conosco. John, eles fizeram uma lista falsa top 100 onde eles colocaram-se no meio de algumas empresas legit aleatória de credibilidade. Você não vai encontrá-los em qualquer lista feita por organizações respeitáveis. Em nome do Banc de Binário, o World Finance 100 não é 8216fake8217, é um prêmio legítimo e bem respeitado. Aqui está um vídeo do CEO BDB8217s sendo entrevistado durante o prêmio www. youtube/watchvAR0xEK2NED8 E mais sobre o prêmio aqui: www. worldfinance100 / Você pode ler tudo sobre Banc de Binary aqui: www. bbinary Eles são scammers. Esperando desde um mês para o meu bônus. Após 2 pedidos, ainda não há notícias. Olá, Laurent. Ser feliz que você didnt obter qualquer Bonusses. Seu slmost impossível recuperar seu dinheiro do depositrd desde que você terá que trocar 20 iomes o dinheiro do bônus ontil youare capaz de retirar seu depósito inicial desde que o havent perdeu o no meantime. Anyway, Banc de Binário é um corretor de confiança de acordo com minha experiência. Você tem que ler e eccept os regulamentos. Juergen Banc de Binary não aparece na lista Worldfinanace100, em qualquer lugar. O entrevistador nunca é mostrado, eo entrevistado está claramente lendo uma declaração preparada. Banco De Binário é como lidar com a máfia chinesa. Eles vão manter o seu dinheiro e não liberá-lo. Eles tiveram meu dinheiro desde outubro 2012 e não dar. Eles vão essencialmente converter o seu dinheiro para their8217s. Eu não posso obtê-lo, a menos que eu vá para Nova York e processá-los para ele e espero recolher. Para pierre Banc De Binary agora está registrado com a FSA por isso estou lhes dando um tiro nisso eu acho que Chris-como você fez Sim, it8217s agora regulado por Chipre. Mas novamente, a regulamentação é apenas dizer-lhe que eles seguem a orientação, mas não dizer-lhe como uma boa experiência com o corretor. Pessoalmente, sinto que o serviço banc de binay é um pouco insistente, eles continuam a pedir-lhe para aceitar bônus, e diferentes corretor manter contato com você pedindo para participar do seu grupo. Eu vou gostar stockpair 8211 saber de goodbinary. blogspot. sg Eu era um cliente BDB, mas decidiu deixá-los há alguns meses. Depois que meus documentos estavam em ordem, eu recebi minha retirada da conta cheia sem problemas. O maior problema que eu vejo mais e mais é que as pessoas aceitam bônus (e outros termos do contrato com qualquer corretor) sem realmente ler e entender todas as informações. Por exemplo, quase todas as corretoras de opções binárias que oferecem um bônus tem uma condição que depois de aceitar o bônus você deve negociar 15, 20 e até 30 vezes o valor do bônus em volume antes de você pode retirar qualquer um. LER os termos e condições, as pessoas, todas as informações estão lá. Pessoalmente, eu decidi dar BDB outra chance porque eles são agora regulamentados, o seu serviço ao cliente melhorou e eles têm boas horas de negociação em muitos dos ativos que eu quero para o comércio. E, LEO, ser regulamentado É um grande negócio. Se você é um corretor, ser capaz de dizer que você está regulamentado impulsiona sua respeitabilidade TREMENDO e que não é algo que corretores estarão dispostos a comprometer-se com práticas de negócios obscuros. Hey don8217t tocá-los. Eu depositei 500 na premissa que eu começaria um bônus cheio. Didn8217t obter uma coisa. ELES NÃO SÃO REGULADOS SÃO REGISTRADOS SOMENTE MUITO GRANDE DIFERENÇA NÃO SIGNIFICA NADA E NÃO O PROTEGE UM POUCO. Banc de Binário faz muito excelente comentários 8212 por si. Eles estão ansiosos para levar o seu dinheiro e, possivelmente, nunca deixá-lo a retirar. Eles reembolsado meu depósito menos 7 (8216handling taxa 8217) após prolongado. Eu tive a sorte de não ter qualquer bônus e não trocar com eles com dinheiro real em tudo. Mantenha longe deles. Abri uma conta há cerca de seis meses e ainda tenho quatrocentos dólares na minha conta. A partir de uma semana atrás eu tenho um e-mail dizendo que esse é corretor não está disponível para os cidadãos dos EUA, e agora eles won8217t reembolsar-me what8217s esquerda na minha conta. Então eu não tenho nada de bom para dizer sobre banc de binário. O post fez Sarah Fenwick lista os links com o vídeo do youtube, eles estão lendo os prompts, eles não estão sendo entrevistados, ele está claramente lendo o prompt As entrevistas são feitas sem ler nada, você pode ver claramente seus olhos se movendo quando eles estão lendo, Dos ladrões Seus gerentes de conta chupar, são agressivos é tudo ou nada e eles continuam pedindo mais depsits e mesmo se você dizer não eles vão em frente de qualquer maneira para tirar dinheiro de sua conta bancária sem autoridade. Tinha innitially fez algum lucro, mas o corretor perdeu tudo em 3 comércios com sua abordagem de tudo ou nada. Quanto ao ensino de como o comércio corretamente apenas se você colocar mais dinheiro na conta. Têm sido capazes de fazer 1 retirwel mas que foi mínimo ammount of100 USD. Se eu tivesse sido capaz de ver qualquer reveiws desta máfia mais cedo eu não teria se envolvido com eles. Não consigo ver no futuro minhas chances de nunca recuperar meu dinheiro do TraderXP. Manter afastado Im com você lá A mesma coisa aconteceu a me8230.Don8217t disse-me que você falou a um David Perry. Um par de semanas atrás eu abri uma conta com Bbinary. Fui bombardeado com telefonemas e, eventualmente, decidi responder. Falei com um cara chamado DAVID PERRY para ter uma longa história curta eles tentaram deduzir 5000 do meu cartão de crédito e quando eles couldn8217t tentou em pedaços de um 1000. Tudo isso acontecendo enquanto estou falando com o bastardo. (NUNCA lhes dei permissão) (Ofendendo Comentários Revmoved) Enfim eu comuniquei isto ao banco e há agora um caso de fraude aberto. Nunca dê seu número 8211 pelo menos até que você esteja certo Quando você receber uma chamada de David Perry 8211 hangup Isso aconteceu comigo também. Então como você lida com isso eu não tenho idéia de como eles fizeram essa transferência. Na minha parte é a pedir-me para transferir até 10k USD. E provavelmente ele não passou por isso eles fizeram uma transação de 1k USD sem minha permissão. Quero dizer, isso já é uma fraude isn8217t. A razão número um que eles sugam é que eles fornecem suporte para (ou mais provável são eles mesmos) spammers. Eu nunca ouvi falar deles antes de receber spam por escória que se esconder atrás de contas de fora do exterior que lhes permitem roubar largura de banda, mentir sobre sua identidade e assediar as pessoas que don8217t querem sua porcaria para que eles possam obter as mãos sobre o dinheiro de outras pessoas 8217s. Os spammers e seus serviços de suporte nunca são confiáveis. Sempre. Estou com Banc de Binary e estou extremamente infeliz com o seu serviço. Alguém quer ouvir sobre minha experiência com Banc de Binário, sinta-se à vontade para me enviar uma mensagem. A plataforma Banc de Binário é extremamente sombreada. Ou eles estão constantemente tendo problemas técnicos com a sua plataforma ou eles estavam me espalhando (ao contrário do que diz em seu site onde eles garantem não spreads): Recentemente, quando eu iria colocar negócios, o valor em que o meu comércio foi tomada não refletiria a Valor no momento em que eu cliquei. Além disso, eles costumavam ter uma opção de cancelamento, que eles arbitrariamente removido, e quando eu perguntei sobre isso, foi-me dito que era porque eu tinha tido a opção muitas vezes 8221 (Isso soa ridículo ou o que não diz nada sobre eles Site sobre a opção de cancelamento sendo removido se abusado muitas vezes. O que faz 8220 muitas vezes 8221 significa, de qualquer maneira Ou você fornecer essa opção ou você don8217t Se você tirá-lo, então eu sou forçado a acreditar que você só quer me fazer perder Dinheiro em purpose8230) Além disso, eu fiz um pedido de retirada quase um mês atrás 8211 e ainda está pendente Quando você perguntar a qualquer um de seus agentes, eles vão dizer-lhe que normalmente leva 10 dias. Isso não é verdade. Eu sou prova viva. Eu fiz o meu pedido 30 de outubro de 2013. Today8217s data é 26 de novembro de 2013. Você pode julgar por si mesmos. Estou expressando publicamente minhas queixas porque, ao escolher seu corretor, espero que não caia nas mesmas armadilhas que eu. Obrigado por confirmar estes problemas sobre a sua plataforma e o valor da taxa de greve variável depois de clicar. Isso acontece maneira muitas vezes com o valor sempre mudando na direção do comércio para garantir a sua posição expira fora do dinheiro. O fato de que eles removidos a opção de cancelamento é prova de que eles estão apenas interessados em fazer com que os comerciantes perdem seu dinheiro. I found this about Banc be Binary on the SEC website. There8217s no denying this trouble. They are NOT regulated in the US. Nice internet ads though. As I watched I went to the SEC to see if they were regulated 8211 No deal. I8217ll look elsewhere. they want 5k for vip account which send you tips 90 accurate mmm. i was getting calls from them all the time to sign up, when i asked for there london address he put me on hold as he didn8217t know but he works there, i dont trust them, amp90 accuracy. lets all get rich quick and retire i believe that story every time, I have an account with bancdebinary firm and after opening my account I received a phone call from their head-traders telling me that they offer their clients a vip account if the client deposits 5000 and they will give trading signals and are helping their vip group members earn at least 500 per day and so I accepted the offer. Unfortunately the trader who was supposed to help me build my account made all sorts of mistakes including avoiding risk to reward rule by getting me to risk 1000 per trade during news announcements and my account balance dropped to 1000 I requested withdrawal and complained about this issue and their response was that I was responsible for all the trades I took I complained because I was given promises and guarantees for a good amount of income and this is how I ended up. Also it took them 2 full weeks to transfer my 1000 back into my account. This company is a joke and they just take the mickey out of their customers so please don8217t even consider dealing with this company at all for your own safety8230. Hello Here is my short story of copperation with BDB. This text is also a part of formal complaint that I have filled on CYSEC page . I also warned BDB that if they do not resolve the withdrawal issue I will authorize my lawyer to undertake any legal action incliding criminal charges I placed the withdrawal order on 3/12 /2013 The order is still not processed on 03.01.2014 I have received the bonus for depositing the funds when opening the account. Because I have not reached the turnover required by BDb to withdraw my funds bonus I agreed to take a penalty fee (30 of deposit) Bdb required the verification. During the course I have provided all necessary documents for verification purposes (also the bank letter confirming that bank card used to deposit the funds was replaced) I was called three times by two representatives to confirm that I am going close my account. Despite my requests to process the withdrawal request in a timely manner BdB delayed any action on purpose. There is no proper client support. The support team is anot allowed by the Bdb to provide clients with the last names in order to avoid identification ( needed for complaints as this ) Also they do not provide any letters in response avoiding issuance of documents that may be used against them. The only replies that I have received are emails stating that the request had been passed to apropriate departament In my opinion I have undertaken all actions necessary to close the account accordngly to TampC and withdraw the funds It seems that companys policy is to keep clients funds, delaying wthdrawals on purpose or my case is the first warning sign that company may go bankrupt I have already written off the account value(few thousands of EUROS),seeing it as lost but my complaint may be helpful for others to avoid loss I use B D B with success and I believe they are now registered. R Banc de Binary8230lost 15k AUD people are absolutely bastards8230i deposited 15k (i know 8211 i am the dumbest, stupid thing I ever did in my entire life) and lost all money8230. if they promise you any guidance of making money don8217t trust them8230 I am sure all the background sounds are setup, they keep shouting from time to time pretending they win stocks for other customers 8211 I DON8217T THINK SO 8211 THEY WILL TALK ABOUT BIG FIGURES THIS IS WHERE I GOT TRAPPED AND I LEARNT A LESSON TO BE NEVER BE GREEDY REMEMBER 8211 QUICK MONEY EARNED WILL BE LOST LOST/SPENT QUICKLY they always place opposite bets so that they can earn money and you loose8230.what ever credit they give you when you first deposit the money it8217s all virtual money 8211 they will let you tempt so that you can invest more money they will also add you on your skype to chat 8211 this is a pure stunt to gain your believe this incident occurred on Feb 5th 2015 8211 hope this gives an idea about these bastards Even more pissed off On 11 of February I signed for 100percentprofitbot, poor idiot me Sad smile, with 500 deposit to Banc de Binary, as I was assured that bot is working exactly the same with one broker as with four. Same night my account manager contacted me, when I was at work in hurry, asking me if I would like make serious money, cause bot is only a bot and it blew out my account sooner or later. So now I have been left in option loose 500 or make serious money in no time by making an extra 3000 pounds investment 3000 bonus. I will help you, you dont have to worry about, just follow my instructions. One minute later he came back with good news cause he has managed to charge my credit card with 4000, I knew already that he overcharged that card for about 1000, but I did not want to make him angry, so I kept quiet, I still could manage with that debt, as I was assured again that I will be stinky reach, by the end of February. So 500 previously deposit made 4000 that night 4500 bonus, it created nice starting capital of 9000, of course he forgot to mention to me THAT FACT: I can make my first withdrawal after total turnover of 4500 of my deposit plus 4500 bonus times 20 which adds up to 18 000 turnover OMG. On Thursday morning 12 of February could not find my AM up to 12:30 and I have been receiving emails to sign up DODs and bonus agreement with small print. At 12:30 My AM contacted me finally, rushing to sign paperwork to start trading asap so I did, poor idiot me again Sad smile. After about one hour he has started to send me on skype, as I assumed, trading signals but without any knowledge or experience with platform they meant not much to me. And now is the best to put 750 per trade. After quiet long argument with him I decided to put 50 trade to check his signals. Unfortunately, due to time of that argument and me being green on platform, I lost 3 of 4 position down to bad strikes. 3 out of 4 signals I could won if I would place them timely. Now its getting even more interesting. My AM went ballistic about sht trades I put, which are going to make him look bad in front of his manager as he sent me VIP trades, and we are here to make serious money not peanuts, and I have to trust him if I want to see my money back ever. Now he reveals great news about bonus agreement and inform me that, it going to take a looooong time to reach 18 000 turnover and he wont be sending me signals for 50 trades. I was thinking for couple of hours and decided to trust him. He posted one more signal which generated loss, so after long chat and my declaration to obey his orders blindly, I finish a day with capital of 8 171.98. I made maths and that day could finish 3 out of 5 win which is profit. Friday 13 of February I have stayed with my AM, following his signals with 1000 per trade, most of the day, with over the roof result 9 of 12 wins and capital of 11 240.98 as 1500 is on long term trade. Now I have started to see hope for me, made quick calculation I saw huge chance to make serious money in no time, by the and of the March I will be coining my trading account big time. On the end of Friday my AM is asking for 1000 more deposit to keep me on VIP signals. So I made another deposit of 1000 with the other credit card which for me is was a very good investment for the next week. On Monday 16 of February my AM posted trades of the day very early in the morning but my account was suspended due to fraud check so I missed them. I thought he will be happy that I found requested 1000. Now he said to me: I need to try debit your credit cards for 3 500 each to justify sending me VIP signals. I knew that one of them is drained out with 1000 over the top, and 1000 left on the other one, so he wont be able to charge anything. But guess what he comes back with good news again, he charged second card with extra grand. Now I was angry but thought that have no choice to recover deposit at least. Full of hope I started following his VIP signals, 1000 per trade, with starting capital of 13 240.98. 6 out of 11 lost. Bad day for trading, pull backs must happen. Capital left 10 780.98. Tuesday 17 of February 2 out 3 lost his VIP signals and he stopped sending me any signals about 15:55. When I asked him what happened, he sent me screen shot with 3 extra positions open on 16:10, and one sold to limit losses. Could be a good day. His excuse was: I stopped sending you signals because I thought you finished for today. Result end of the day capital 9 500.98. So I asked him what is the problem He said that we are going to have different conversation on the end of the tomorrow. I thought I am a human being to I do mistakes too. He has promised me to recover on Wednesday. Wednesday 18 of February, new day new hope 13 VIP signals, most of them 1000 per trade, 8 losses. Final effect 5860.98 left on my trading account. I lost all trust in his signals, risk management, my stress reached maximum level. Thursday 19 of February I decided to go back on software 100percentprofitbot, when my AM was begging me to follow his signals, as we need good 4 signals to recover to 10 000 level. After 2 days staying on bot 19 and 20 of February small recovery 7 out of 11 wins result: 6022.26. Long hours internet research, poor idiot me Sad smile again, and realised that boot can blow out your account in 5 following losses. Bot stopped. Now I am trying to make an agreement to pay off one card, facing huge interest on the other one. I have ruined my credit score. I feel cheated and disappointed. Especially with Banc de Binary management. I wish I came across this earlier8230.Buyer beware with Banc de binary8230 Opened a small testing account to learn to swim in options world. Then Banc de Binary rep calls to have me deposit more and stating that they will give a bonus of funds blah blah blah. And more is not like 200 or 500 USD they want in the thousands. So I added more funds couple of thousands hoping to get bonus plus direction in trading signals (call/put). All I kept getting is calls from Brad Collins or Martin Baines to fund my account so more funds more bonus and hopes to trade in future with slow study pace. Shortly I deposited my first amount, Martin Baines was no longer with company or has moved on but before he left he setup two orders for me or with me because they never setup orders on you behalf but state based on their Analysts. They are like mavericks with your money. NO Money or risk managment. Full amounts setups on almost all trades. Anyway both orders he had me setup went down south my entry money. Yes, entire almost entire amount8230 have 200 usd left asked for withdrawal. lol let see what happens. I will keep you all posted. Oi. Last year I opened an acc with BdB and it turned into a night mare. I just got hammered with phone calls for more money to get my acc up to some other level. After all these calls I decided it was a scam and a rip off but was told I could not get my money back. I decided to approch my bank ANZ and told them of my problem. They said. as I had paid via a credit they would investigate. After some paper work from myself and about looking into it, I was notified that all my funds would be returned. So I would recommend that if you have deposited funds using a credit card speak to your bank. Bank De Binary are spammers. They8217ve been calling me every day of the week for like 2 months now. Sometimes they call me 2 or 3 times from this number: 00442033188708 You know what they say about spammers. I will never ever send 1 eurocent to that 8220company8221. I was desperate last year to make money fell for a scam called INSURED PROFITS, to join it said to select a broker, I chose Banc De Binary, spoke to a very nice lady called Sam Taylor who offered to give me a bonus, she didn8217t tell me it would screw up any chance of a withdrawal. After this I had many phone calls from many people trying to persuade me to put more money in the account. Luckily I didn8217t Personally I would never recommend them to anyone. Stay as faraway from this company as possible. Oh I did use Insured profits software for one week, outcome 8211 I lost 96 USD. Now looking for a legit Bot to use with Banc De Binary, but can8217t find any working ones that don8217t require you to use their brokers8230 Pissed off wirh Binary Options now I would never recommend Banc De Binary ever I invested a large some of money to make their Gold account, was assigned a account manager Peter Anderson. After numerous phone calls promoting how I8217m going to make my investment grow by 80 etc 8230. etc we started to trade with short term binary trades. Peter advised me to trade 1000 on each trade and taking his advise I traded with this amount on each trade immediately as he sent through his signals. In the first round of trading I won 5 and lost 5. When I reported back my results he said 8220ok we8217ll do a recovery session822182308230 Yeah right Once again I trusted his decision and stupidly went along with his advise. In the second round I won 2 and lost 8 which damn nearly wiped me out. Losing thousands in a matter of a few hours. I8217m really kicking myself now as the signals I8217ve been getting from else where have been brilliant, and if I8217d applied those signals at 1000 a time like Peter had advised me, I would be well ITM now. My advice to anyone is please don8217t get talked into paying more money than you can afford into these brokers. Do not get talked into accepting their 100 bonus as there8217s always a catch And don8217t bother with an account manager. If you8217re serious about trading online, do your own research. Account managers just want your money, whether you win or lose. And guess what, I8217ve not heard a thing from Banc De Binary after losing near everything8230. Surprise surprise. I don8217t think I8217ll ever be able to get any of that money back even though I was following their account managers advise. Just wouldn8217t want anyone else to be sucked in like I was. I totally agree with PissOff and would also like to enlighten others one is PRESSURED to add more money to the account 8211 they said how about this CC 8211 I said it is at max so they tried it and added 3 THOUSAND to my already over the limit CC 8211 so this gave me an 8220apple product8221 I have signed papers to that effect and I have yet to see the product Binary traders always say we will invest no more than 25 of your stake so you will not lose 8211 YEAH RIGHT BULL CRAP here is the deal 8211 you are on Skype with a trader 8211 Gerry something BIG is happening with xxx so put in 8 thous (I had 15 in the account) 10 minutes later 8211 this is BIG 8211 put in 8 to YYY 8211 whoops you do not have 8 thous 8211 how much then put in the 7 as we are going to win big BOTH CRASHED Now they will not even answer emails or skype An unmitigated Disaster8230.Not Only did I my 30k odd, they lost their so called bonuses of 30k. See actual transcript of my account. I have transcripts of the trades8230.massive failures despite being told8230.8221we have a room of experienced trader82178230.each trade at your level must be checked by 8216several experienced8217 traders82308230absolute bunkum8230. I dealt with 3 8220brokers8221 each referred to the predecessor as 8220trading recklessly82218230oh but 8220trust me8230III get it right82218230.Yeah right8230.just a hand-over of one leech to the next8230each trader recklessly advised huge trades that failed massively and regularly8230..the pitch was identical8230.I just want to make this right8230.we can fix this82308230Even when I (foolishly) maxed out credit cards8230they would push8230just let us try and see if we can get some extra funds8230.Even though I advised the cards were maxed out8230.8221it ok we will back you for I need to show my boss you8217re committed8230(I should have been)8230.lets just try the (maxed out cards again8230.at least if it fails it shows we8217ve tried82218230. Yes I conceed8230under financial pressure8230..I let my poor judgement get in the way8230..and now I have a 30k debt to deal with8230.As I said8230..unmitigated disaster8230trading success8230..less than 10 of trades were successful8230.a financial train-wreck8230 TAKE THIS ON AT YOUR PERIL8230.BEWARE8230. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Account Creation date: 2014-09-05 08:07:58 Current Balance: 2,789.46 Total Bonus/benefits received: 57,537 Total Deposits: 47,120 Last Withdrawal Status: No Withdrawals Yep, I can vouch for this. They pressurise a person to exhaustion. Very. very persistent calling you seemingly unstoppable. I lost 10K (USD) through outright poor trading via their gurus, fake names I am sure. Elliot Greene, suppose to be their master blaster. Stay away guys They WILL loose you all your money and then desperately try to recover your losses by asking for more to be deposit. Here is what happened to me : I signed up 2 days ago with a 250 account. I was OK with taking this risk. After the sign up, a 8220broker8221 calls you from cyprus. they convince you to put in more money as 250 is not enough for them to work with. 8220too small8221 I told him my whole story 8211 fact i am not working, have no income, don8217t have experience with trading at all, don8217t have money to spare amp i wasn8217t in any hurry to make fast money amp most importantly that i cannot invest anymore. To which he says then its not worth it for his company to work with a 250 account amp that i would need to use a software and do it myself. I was ok with all that. He calls me an hour later saying that he got good news about the apple stocks amp that he needs my money (extra 1000) ONLY FOR A DAY as it was an opportunity to seize as they got tips. it was a lot of pressure amp he had me cornered. He assured me that next day i would be able to withdraw my invested amount back. I honestly trusted him. he sounded like a decent genuine guy who knew what he was saying. on his word i put an extra 1000 (which left me with 500 in my account) 8211 clearly i wasn8217t thinking or this guy had me good. He was a 100 sure that this trade would work. I got convinced and put 1000 in the account, leading to 1250 8211 (and since he thought i was NICE person decided to give me a 100 bonus to make my account a silver one. Next day i checked my account amp to my horror I had 0 balance. I have been messaging him alllllllll day today amp emailed him 8211 but he has no balls to come forward amp actually address the situation 8211 he is hiding 8211 he knows he wronged me. No reply at all. I lost all the 1250 in one day amp on one trade amp for the senior advisor he is, i cannot believe that someone would treat a client who lost all their money this way8230I regret every bit on investment i made with them. Remember 8211 they are all SWEET TALKERS. once you loose your money is when it hits you. and clearly they all run away after that. If you have money to spare that you can gamble with then please go ahead. Otherwise DONT DO IT. Feel like a complete Idiot for being taken for a ride like this. GOLD account which is 5000 is the only account that makes sense to them which they can make money from amp are interested in. 250 amp 2500 isn8217t good enough business. all they do is convince you to put more money in your account. Also if you are as naive as me amp have no market or trade sense, maybe one should stay away from this. Its NOT all that it looks. I could have been making 1 trades and been happy doing that. Don trust everything your broker says. Alex Frost (broker or senior advisor 8211 whatever you want to call yourself) 8211 I hope your listening. All you people are full of SHIT. Fault is mine tho 8211 trusted something half way across the world amp was ready to give more than i could afford. In hindsight i regret it deeply amp am very very bitter about my experience. Feel CHEATED amp A COMPLETE FOOL. Interesting comments, research and opinions about bdb they give a flourishing advert of themselves You don8217t need to send money now.8221 Yes in hind sight all those involved in the trading arena do lie. But interesting basically the client becomes the victim why As what has been pointed out is the way the process is conducted I surely hope that this isn8217t providing funding for other organisations to further their own expectations. Time and unforseen circumstances will deliver hello. i started my trade with initial 250 deposit. i tried to trade and now i have 90 remaining. is there any way i can just take the remaining money back. when i try to login. the site just never opens saying that no trade allowed in U. s. Contudo. i opened my account from Canada. please help Prasanna Simha Rao Dear Sir / Madam I am writing to you to get help, advice and direction on how to proceed. I have been Frauded by Banc De Binary for a sum of USD 23K. Banc De Binary is a binary trading company and have office in UK, Cypress. Singapore etc. I just give you a bit back ground on what happened and also try to attach some documents. I am looking for an income for living. From June 2015 i will not have any job so i need to look for a income. I am 50 years old and finding it difficult to find a job. I came across Banc De Binary and i invested first USD 250/- to try and learn Binary trading. Then i got a call from one of there broker Mike Hansen telling me he is a senior analysis and he will help me to make money. He painted a very good picture and me looking for money from July i agreed and invested USD 13000/ 8211 into my trading account. Yes he make it to USD 17K/- and then told me this is just the start. Then he asked me to invest more so he can get good A3 signals from his Manager and we can make even more money and buildup the account. I was feeling he is a bit aggressive but his promises and commitment to me said let me trust him and put additional 10KUSD. Then he said his boss has given 5KUSD as a bonus and we will trade. On that day i almost lost USD 37K to whihc my account was build up 23K from myside, 5K from them as bonus and the rest profit from trades. When the account was built to 37K we had almost emptied to account to Zero and i told him this is not how i want to trade. I only need USD 400/- per day for my living. He always said yes he will do it from next time. Later that night i wrote him an email that i want to withdraw because this is not how i wanted to trade. Next day morning Mike came back to me on Skype message and told he has very big for me from Apple and this he got from his boss. My account is secured and i should invest. I told him you can invest with USD 14K which is the profit we have made and nothing else. To which he agreed and he called me and asked me to invest on USD/JPY. I resisted and told him its not apple. He told its related to apple and we are only trading apple related products. When money is secure we should trade all. I tried my level best to tell him no we should not and i need urgently USD 13250/- to be put back to my Credit card. HE then put his Boss Nathan Green on the phone to convince me and i am new and he personally made me invest on Apple for 9KUSD. Nathan also told me 23K of my account is secured. I was fine with so much commitment and then Mike came back and asked me to invest more on Forex. I told him we should not and he kept on telling me he knows what he is doing and this is our opportunity. At one point i surrendered to the pressure and just did what he told. I have written this message to Nathan Green on Skype. End of the day i lost everything and then when i asked them to put back the money to my account they said i only traded 9K for apple and they will give it as a bonus. I told i dont want bonus but to takeout money. Mike said i cannot takeout money till i build the account to a level. I asked him what level. its Investment Bonus 20. which is 23K 14k 20 USD 740K in turnover. I told him this will never work. I told them i will trade but they have to give me USD 400/- per day as withdrawal till i clear USD 23K. They are not agreeing and now telling they will give me more bonus to trade. I dont want to trade and please guide me how to proceed. Thanks you in advance and i need your help urgently Below is the website address they have given to me as address proof Love Banc De Binary8217s trading platform, I8217ve tried several binary option brokers but this one is my current favourite and although I had read old comments about slow withdrawals my money was processed in 24 hours. I am a retired person without a pension and had a small investment with my bank in South Africa which was not giving me the return on my investment to sustain a living. I was advised to invest with a trading company which would give me a higher return and Banc de Binary was recommended. I only wanted to invest a small part of my money I. e.:1000 but your trader told me that I would not make money with such an amount and persuaded me to invest 10000 and then if I really wanted to make money a further 10000 on a protected trade. I Invested all my money 17500 which your 8220Professional trader James Carter lost for me in 30 min. I was advised to trade aggressively and as you can see from my account lost 13 trades in a row. I find this totally unacceptable and irresponsible of your company. l opened an account with Banc DeBinary for 250. They assigned me a manager who then pushed me to deposit more funds and foolishly l did finally deposit a total of 13000,00.The account manager, Brad Washington told me he was going to work with me to make more money. Before l started trading with him l asked him to explain to me how it all works as l was a newbie and he never told me anything. He rang me everyday to tell me trades to place. l followed his guidelines religiously and lost all my money. After l lost all my money he gave me a bonus without explaining to me the terms and conditions of the bonus. l finally had a big argument with him and stopped following his advice. l traded by myself for a week and built my account from 9k to 20k. April NFP he sent me an email to say l have been assigned one their big managers to work with me on that day so l can make money back. Foolishly or stupidly l believed them and within 20 minutes that manager had wiped my account from 20k to 0. l would like to know why the regulatory body is allowing Banc De Binary to scam people in this way. They will push you and push you to deposit funds. They have forced me to borrow so l can deposit funds. This company is a scam and should not be allowed to operate. Please all be advice don, t open your account with Banc DE Binary they are a scam. l have evidence of all their emails. l have complained to CYsec and still waiting their response. Please help me so l can make other people aware of this company so they wont fall for it like l did. I have made trades through EveryOption starting with the required 250. As this is my first encounters with binary trading, I was taking it easy. The first few trades went very well and the amount in my trade balance rose rapidly by about 40 -50 dollars per day. I tested the system and put in a request to withdraw 300 just to see what would happen. They only paid out 250. The exact amount that I started with. I regularly received telephonic requests to deposit more money into the account to8221reach my goal much sooner8217. I refused because I started distrusting them when they only paid out the exact amount I started with. As the transfer of money to their account was done via credit card, they had access to my credit card account. Then it happened. Without my concent they withdrew all the money from my credit card account and went to 8220aggressive trading8221. All the money was lost with a reply that 8220the markets have turned against us82218216. This is an outright scam. There were never any instructions given to withdraw any money. The instructions that they had were to carry on with daily trading only. I lost 5000. Is there anything I can do or is this expensive schooling money Frans de Jager, South Africa I decided to try out Banc de Binary but was seriously unimpressed from the word go. A day after signing up, I had not deposited the 250 yet, I got a call from an agent asking me to please deposit the money so that they can get me started with trading and send me information packages. The agent was extremely pushy, demanding that I did it that moment whilst on the phone with her. I refused and said I do not have the time and need to do more research. From the beginning of the call I was asked my aged as I 8220sounded very young8221. I am 29 years old. She then proceeded to call me 8220dear8221 in an extremely patronizing tone. After repeatedly refusing to deposit the money that day (Friday), she said she would call me back on Monday at a set time and I better have the money in the account before the phone call. She then proceeded to say 8220or there is going to be a big problem8221 I immediately got a bad feeling about this and decided to go on my gut before being scammed or even worse. If this was a legit company I do not see the need for them to be so demanding. Please be aware of bank de binery I had an account with this form an I was talked into getting an extra 2000 dollars from my pensioner parents In turn I was going to pay them back A mr Ben p supposedly head broker said I was protected I8217ve still got the Skype communication that we had together First he said not to trade the account with out him do I did not then I waited 2 months before I started trading ok he goto me Upton 5200 the I did not touch the Monnies I should of withdrawn it then he states if your not going to trade yhen you have no right being on my team I then contacted him to help me with the time zone difference I8217ll take care of you buddy anyway as he said he crashed me out of the binery options platform I could hear hos colleges laughing as I sank like the titanic The other promise he said was he wanted to get 5000 out of my card so he could talk to accounting I said I have no monie in there he said I8217ll get you 2000 bonus he never did and even blocked me on my Skype account I swear This is a true statement and it has shattered my confidence in trading I look after my parents and I wanted something to fall back on boy was I wrong Yours faithfully David Bates I signed up with banc de binary I put in 250 and they wanted me to put in an extra 5000 dollars to have a broker help me trade I didn8217t do they say it8217s not to use but I know what happeneds when you lose your money 250 dollars then you start using the 5000 dollars Same here. They Forse me to put more money. Minimum 3k. Otherwise they won8217t help as their site sais 250 and you get an account manager to help you and put the trades for you. They let me down so I lost everything except 7 euro. And now I8217m suspended to trade again. I8217m blocked. This is a message for everyone that has done business with Banc De Binary and related companies. I am currently researching customer experiences and ask everyone who has had dealings with them to email their stories to bdballanassoc While BDB8217s operations have a veneer of respectability this investigation goes to the heart of the complaints against BDB, which is their analysts advice and sales techniques. It is understood that BDB operate in a gap between Financial investing and Gambling within the EU regulatory framework and this makes their claims of EU regulation, while true, completely useless in consumer protection. Additionally, there are claims of price manipulation and staff using multiple 8216personalities8217 that need to be investigated. Again, please forward all information to BDBallanassoc and pass this on to anyone who has had dealings with this company, not just in the EU, but worldwide. Is it normal to take more than a month to active an account. I already started trading more than 4150 and still waiting for the activation and said I can8217t withdrawal until thy activate it I don8217t know what do. thy keep saying (we r working on it ) from more than one month I think thy are scamming ppl. how can I get May money back Exactly the same with me, all of the above. They then have the gall to ring later with a new guy who is 8216senior and better8217 than the guy who lost your money, suggesting they can get everything back that was lost and then some. Of course they need you to put in another deposit8230and again8230 and again. I don8217t believe they put your money in the market at all, their site is their market. There is no logic in them making money if we lose, so they are obviously paid on our deposits and draining our accounts. Karma for them one day I suspect, it only takes one guy to get upset enough and pay them a visit. Did anyone give all their information. Like to verify who you are even after making the deposit of 250. Like Credit Card details front and back. Licence number front and back. Photo ID. I am a bit skeptical giving all my info like that. But if someone trust them let me know now Not a good company to deal with at all. In the short time I traded with them, foolishly relying on the recommendation of several sites (that must get a very decent affiliates8217 commission) there were often glitches in the system. When the glitches worked in Banc de Binary8217s favour then you8217d lose your profit8230but when the glitch worked against you, then your loss would stay as a loss. I complained, but they just ignored the complaint. If that doesn8217t spell 8220scam8221 I don8217t know what does. Fortunately my losses resulting from the glitch weren8217t huge, but after doing some reading I see others have been really badly burned by their dealings with this company 8211 which has been fined several times by its regulating body Cysec. They8217ve also featured a couple of times in the Mail on Sunday8217s 8220This is money8221. Not in a good way either. Take a look www. thisismoney. co. uk/money/experts/article-2706702/TONY-HETHERINGTON-Banc-Binary-spotlight I wouldn8217t trust the word of any broker advice site that recommended this company. Why would a broker ask me for my card details including electronic signature(last three digits at back of card) to do deposits to my account and not my account number I had extreme bad run with BdB - very pushy to collect your money. more and more and not providing more ( under instruction) than 50 winning trades - total loss next expert calls me same and so on now after 3 experts and 8220VIP treatment8221 I finally come to the obvious conclusion they are a bunch of self appointed experts and their so called analysts are some drop outs sniffing on something. also to withdrawal is the next challenge, a friend of mine who also lost all his money in a matter of a week tries to get his few hundred Dollars remaining since months and is lied to in writing (e mails)- sorry no better review - if you do not want to lose go somewhere else - would be interested to know if someone out there has some better suggestions - always welcome Hello, I want to bring this to management notice that I have open my account with banc debinary couple of weeks ago. I paid 250 USD I have been told that a service manager will contact me next day but after receiving money all staff become silent. I can not log in to my account. This is not the way to continue a business. I want to withdraw please refund my money as soon as possible. Regards Ishtiaq I opened an account 3 years ago with 1000 and stupidly took the 500 bonus, not realizing at the time that I would be required to trade at least 30,000 in turnover before I could withdraw my full account balance. Over that time I resisted every attempt to hook up with any 8220analyst, senior adviser, account manager8221 or otherwise with a dodgy sounding name. I just kept trading my own system when I had time and somehow, despite the odds, manage to make it to the 30k turnover and tripe my account balance. When I put in a withdrawal request I heard nothing for a while so followed up with the online chat (no help) then complaints and eventually compliance, who told me that my withdrawal amount would be 1300 less than my account balance as the turnover had not been met. I disputed this and sent them a letter to say I had records of all the trades I did as well as the PDF downloaded from their website to prove my turnover. A woman from compliance called Tracey replied to say that, yes, a mistake had been made on their part and she would notify accounts to correct it. Great I thought, maybe not so bad after all. However, I had to jump through hoops to prove my bank account details (although verified last year supposedly). More time passed and nothing happened so more emails to complaints dept. I then received an email to say my withdrawal had been processed. The amount was 1300 short of my account balance. I have been emailing 8220Tracey8221 in complaints as well as compliance and now receiving no replies. The money is still not in my account. These people will intentionally deceive you even if you are someone like me, who has never taken their trading advise, and traded successfully to, not only make the required turnover but more than triple my initial deposit. I started trading four days ago with no previous experience, with a minimum of 250 Euro. I now have sweet FA in my account8230 From this experience I can only advise others, DONT DO IT Im so glad that they couldnt access my Credit Card, or else I would be sleeping under a bridge. I8217m writing this review here and many other places to stop other people losing their hard earned money. Please read this carefully. I deposited 300 as I liked their asset list. I got a call from Daniel Lloyd and he started pressuring me to deposit more to become a silver customer so that he can provide his risk free trades. I denied, then he started calling me again and again to deposit more money. He assured me verbally, on Skype and through email that all the risk free trades are secured against the refundable bonus which won8217t follow the 822020 times8221 rule. I told him strictly that I do not want any kind of bonus and I would go for only refundable bonus only if I lose the risk free trades. He confirmed it on many occasions and told me that Im in safe hands. He assured me that Ill be able to withdraw my entire deposit whenever I want. See the email conversation below and the way he manipulated his words while confirming it in email. He gave me 5 trades initially and I won 4 out of 5 trades. He gained my trust and asked me to deposit more to become a Gold customer. Then he started giving me losing trades every time which brought my balance from 8800 to 400. I told him to deposit my refundable bonus and he deposited 2000 which he made me lose through his risk free trades again. I made 3000 from 400 on my own and he asked me to stop trading on my own. Then he deposited 2000 again and made me lose everything through his special VIP risk free trades. I had enough of it and asked him to deposit my entire deposit of 8800. He added just 5000. I called him regarding the remaining balance and he told me rudely that he has already credited total 8800. I placed a withdrawal of 5000. Then I got a call from his so called manager (Marco) who couldnt speak English properly. After trying to convince me to place more VIP trades through him, he rudely told me that I wont get my 5000 back due to the 20 times total volume rule and I have signed an agreement for it. Guys, stay away from their sweet talk. You would lose your peace of mind with the hard earned money. It is not worth it. There is no reason they would lose their money to make you win the trades. Please try to understand it. These people are there to make money through us. Ill upload the Skype conversations later. From: mailto: Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 3:40 PM To: Daniel Lloyd Subject: Re: Daniel Lloyd BDB Can you please confirm below in simply yes or no The refundable bonus stated below for the losing trades will not follow any restriction for withdrawal like the regular bonus rule as below. (Deposit Bonus) 20 lt Total volume of trades in terms of amount or Deposit Bonus 20 lt Total volume of trades in terms of amount On 27 Oct 2015, at 8:51 a. m. Daniel Lloyd wrote: The refundable bonus and your account you will be able to place the withdraw at any time you desire The risk free trades that I am providing you every Friday will be the same as I said before and yes if you are not able to trade on a Friday or on a bank holiday they will be placed another day with no problem applying the same principle. Kind Regards, Daniel Lloyd From: mailto: Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:20 AM To: Daniel Lloyd Subject: Re: Daniel Lloyd BDB Please confirm below. The refundable bonus stated below for the losing trades will not follow any restriction for withdrawal like the regular bonus rule as below. (Deposit Bonus) 20 lt Total volume of trades in terms of amount If there is a bank holiday on Friday, the secured trades will be placed on another day in the same week. Thanks, A From: mailto: Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 5:22 PM To: Daniel Lloyd Subject: Re: Daniel Lloyd BDB Thank you so much, Daniel. Much appreciated Sent from my phone 8211 A On 23 Oct 2015, at 14:08, Daniel Lloyd wrote: As I said that I will be providing you with security means that every Friday if 1 or 2 or 3 or more of the trades that I provide you come in the red (LOSSES) you are account be added as a refundable bonus and you are able to place a withdraw for the whole amount with no problems at all Now this will be the same procedure applied for every Friday until 1st of January. Please get back to me and let me know if that is what you are looking for in my email. Daniel Lloyd From: mailto: Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 3:24 PM To: Daniel Lloyd Subject: Re: Daniel Lloyd BDB It is all fine so far but this whole process scares me and is giving me sleepless nights. I can win trades like this but can lose everything in later trades. So much negativity of BDB all around makes me very uncomfortable, so I have decided to withdraw the entire amount after 4pm and will come back when things are better in future. Youve been very helpful but sorry, I dont want to earn more money at the cost of my peace of mind. More than money, I have a fear of not getting fooled by anyone. Also, I seriously dont understand how BDB would make money by making profits for me. Hello everyone, just to say a few words about BdB. Last week I decided to invest, sorry BET with the BdB. After placing the minimum of 250 Euros the nice lady on the phone asked me if I wanted to go with their Robot or Broker. As I had no idea about Trading I risked it with the Broker who on the next day phoned me, and briefly told me what he was going to be doing. So I gave him the OK. The first day of trading went, what I thought very well, but then all of a sudden It slowly went downhill. After Two days I had nothing left in my account. Id been ripped off, and sadly to say I had this bad feeling right from the start. I should have looked for the warnings before starting. these people are very Professional what they do. The Software which you have access to is just like a big slotmachine depending on what status of your financial situation is or how much you invest, sorry, Bet, its fixed to hand out more cherries than bars untill you have nothing left, then they phone you, and ask you to put more money into your account or offer you a bonus, not telling you that untill you reach a certain amount you have no chance of drawing your profit/win out. Look at Utubes videos, there are some videos about BdB which are highly praised, Im wondering if the Authorities are on to this All the best Malcolm Banc De Binary claims to be a leading Binary Option broker..however this is not the case and their strategies are horrible. They do try and give you the some winning trades so that you invest further, then they will tell you to deposit more and it keeps going on till you lost it all. The account manager8217s prompt you VIP signals. These signals so not work and 90 out of 100 trades are loss. If you try to withdraw they will hold you up for bonuses taken..which you never have taken OR simply ensure you lose the trades..while the broker makes the best out of the wins and keeps his brokerage while you loose your investments in the wind. I plan to blacklist the sites in UAE and gulf regions with authorities stepping up to take these companies to task. Robert Gonsalves, He made a trade w/o my knowledge or consent lost over 10,000 and aparently was fired and no one called So what happened. Boris Shostak i opened an account with Bank de Binary last year with an initial deposit of 250. soon after that i received a call from one of the brokers who pitched how i can make risk free trades ( he did not mention a policy about bonuses at all). i deposited 4000 US in total. all the trades he recommended as an expert failed miserably. in fact i found i was better at it myself. to get my money back i decided to keep trading to get to a certain turn over required. i asked for a withdrawal at some stage and got 1600 out. then they automatically closed my accoun because according to them i broke the rules. their communication was terrible. also when i started high frquency trading and doing well at it the website would freeze and that also resulted in losses. It was quite an expensive lesson to me. i must say i did enjoy the trading aspect of it, educating myself on trends and the markets. However you have to read terms and conditions very carefully, never accept the bonuses. Basically do your homework very diligently especially if you are investing more than 500 as that8217s just too much money to lose. By the way the brokers know nothing about the markets, they are just good sales people. Do not trust their so called expertise because they have none. I8217ve recently subscribed to this trading and after reading comments and posts, i8217m simply wanting to claim my money back. i set up an account with them 4250 USD after loosing 2000usd i decided to close my account i got a call from a new account manager Jordan Kenigs complete cowboy said he could get all my money back within 2hrs all i had to do was follow his trading advise so we did 14 trades were we set up the trade and sold it straight away the total pay out was 7080usd all i got back was 117usd the rest disapeared out of my account i contacted the complaints department was was contacted by Tracey Ludlam Manager of Customer Relations she said she would deal with this 1 week later still no contact back ive sent 3 more emails to her still no joy all i want back was the remaining money in my account of 2251usd. im going to the local news paper in Liverpool were i come from as Banc de Binary are now an offcial sponsor of Liverpool Football club and see what happens I am also having trouble with banc de binary. Whenever I want to place what seems like a winning trade because the asset has reached either support or resistance. an 8220error server ocurrs8221 and does not let me place the trade. It has happened 5 times to me today. I registered and paid the small fee for the training material. However the full 250 was presented.(of which I did not8221sign8221 for 8211 the amount must have been changed by one of the representatives. Logging into my account 8211 after 24 hours 8211 the amount of 250 did not reflect on my Banc De Binary account. I then started getting uncomfortable. At this stage I have not yet completed the all the information required on the registration document. After numerous calls from one of the representatives to assist me with completing the application form the amount still did not reflect. I was told 8220not to worry I am in good hands8221 However, I received another email requesting the 250 payment. I send them proof of the transaction reflecting on my bank account. So far I am anti Banc De Binary. I joined with the initial 250 and a trader from BdB phoned me after a few days. I was asked how much I had in my savings ( his opening conversation). He was very persuasive and I transferred 2000 which he said would get me started with trading. I followed his instructions and yes my account rose by 1000 by the end of the 1st day. The following day he pushed even more to raise my stakes even though I kept telling him I was unhappy about risking all my savings as this money was to be my buffer being on a minimum state pension. However, after much persuasion. I transferred another 3000. Again I followed his instructions he kept telling me that I would really benefit from trading because this was an important day regarding the result of the American employment status. Etc. I watched my account go up to over 21,000 but at the end of the day after a final push by the trader, even though I queried the fact that he was placing large sums on each trade my account showed only 2.10 . o que. My entire savings had gone and so did the trader. He ignored my emails. I was left to worry and fret the entire weekend. On the following Tuesday he phoned saying the market had gone against us and he8217d arranged with his seniors to offer me a bonus IF I invested another 1000. I told him I had no more savings, he then said the other solution was to give my account a bonus of 700 to try to retrieve money for me. I agreed as I couldn8217t lose all and again went along with his dealings. The account went to 1800 and i hoped things might be looking up. Again though, his instructions were to lose me everything and again he went silent, not answering emails. So I lodged a complaint directly but they have said it was I who played the market and I could8217ve stopped the trader, told him I disagreed etc with his instructions and that at the end of the day it was MY fault that I8217d lost the money. I am unable to work through ill-health, on a low pension and therefore unable to put money back into my savings. The whole experience has left me with a bad taste in my mouth and extremely stressed and upset. How do I complain to the financial body regulating this company and try to get compensation DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAY, trade only if you are experienced enough. My Story I deposited 250, I am a newbie and do not have any experience. Anyway I signed up deposited my money. And next day I got a call from my account manager Philip Alexander. Saying he got some trades today which can give me 92 of profit, and he will only give me that trades if I put 5000 into my account. He said trades are 100 guarantee and if I loose the money the money is INSURED and I will get it back. Looked good so I took a loan of 5000.00 from my friend. He promised me if I loose I will get 5000 in my account next day. He sent me some paperwork which I signed and found out that INSURED money is not insurance which is trading bonus and I can only withdraw after 8220UNKNOWN8221 trading volume. I questioned him if I loose how much time I will need to get the actual money out, he said in few days. So everything looked perfect, being desperate for money, I placed my trade and won. Was very happy the actual return was 71 not 92. Anyway, I though job is done. Then I submitted the request for withdrawal. Next day he called me again and said He got few good trades and his floor manager want to speak to me. Floor manager name was Mr Morris, and he said put all the money in trade today and you cannot withdraw. So unwillingly I placed the trade and won. Was very happy seeing 15K in my account. I was still waiting for withdrawal. Next day again my account manager called and said today he got trade with 100 success but I will have to put all the money in otherwise he wont let me withdraw and will not give me any trade with less money. I explained to him the original money is a loan from my friend and I need to give it back. He said trade today and tomorrow morning he will authorize the withdrawal request. He pressurized me so much and after that his floor manager Mr Morris hang up on me when I told him i need withdrawal. Again my manager called and said Mr Morris is angry and just trade today and withdraw your money tomorrow. And he said he will call me back for the trades. In the mean time I went to asked the website live chat help and asked how long it will take to withdraw. Insted of giving any response they said my manager will call me. And Philip Alexander called me and he said I will have to trade today to get withdrawal. And that was the day I lost all my money. The money I earned from trade and my deposit. Next morning he called again and asked me to put more money in my account, I said I do not have any penny and I want my INSURED money back which was actually trading bonus. He said his manager will call me back. The manager called and he said he cannot give me any bonus and I should have taken bonus when submitting the deposit. I said Philips Alexander has told me different story. Anyhow after long arguments he agreed to deposit 3000 in my account which he said I cannot withdraw and I will have to meet the trading volume condition which is 20 times the bonus and deposit. Mean I will have to do the trades of 150K to get the money back, which is nowwhere mentioned. He promised to give me trades and we will be able to get the money back in 3-4 weeks as per his information trading volume is actually something else and I will not have do to trades of 150K. Anyway he promised and never got back to me. He sent me his skype ID and for the trading signals. I got a text and saying I will have to trade with 3500 minimum to get the signals. So end of the day after doing all this. I realized they actually do not invest your money in market just play with your positions and keep the money with them and loosing mean they can take all of your money. That is the reason they do not allow US traders (and banned in US), because as per US regulations brokers cannot make money if trader is making loss. Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience. I have I am stupid I started my registration yesterday, but luckily I stopped when they asked for credit card details. For me a demo should not need any transfer of funds. As soon as I woke up a trader was calling me, friendly at first but more and more pushy. When people get pushy I will never ever do any business. So I eventually ended the call saying that I will use more time do decide (which I have already done, no business with BdB). Now I8217ve several times received calls from a UK number (442033180608) which I8217m pretty sure is BdB. I will not answer Hello all, i8217ve written a review about banc de binary an the following lines are my Conclusion: Though Banc de Binary is not regulated, it is one of the best trading platforms in the industry. The different features of the website are exceptional and give it an edge over the other binary trading brokers. The company is long-established and has a strong popularity among traders. Therefore, every trader must try out this platform. Hi8230..I joined banc de binary in the year 20148230everything was going well, but then something tragic happened.. They took EUR 1474.69 from my account, which was very unfair 8230.when I asked them about that particular transaction, they said your request has been sent to the accounts section. An other week passed, I was loosing patience. I send another e mail, they replied promptly and explained that it was because of Xmas period. E de novo. they said your request has been sent to the accounts section. I received this reply on 05/01/2016. Another 3 days have passed, but no reply. I do not recommend BDB, although they have been very fair to me for a year and 2 months. I do not understand what has happened to them, but at the moment they are not one of best in the business. I am thinking of leaving them, once I get my money back. Anybody who wants to know the details or any proof, can e mail me at. amigoverdadeyahoo This is my experience with BdB The account manager gives you the feeling he is there for you, to help you succeed. Over and over he tels you 8220we only make money when you make money8221. Now I know they only make money when you loose First the account manager asks you what you do for a living and what the maximum is you can miss. It is all in your best interest because he can offer you a risk free insured VIP trade. He says things like: 8220We need to double up as soon as possible so you will become a VIP trader8221. You will loose this one for certain I really dug into the trades and could find out that the signals and forecasts where all in the opposite direction But no worries, the trade was insured, right Yes, but now your real money turned into Bonus money and you cannot withdraw that Then he will try to suck more money out of you by offering another risk free insured VIP trade, but only if you make another deposit. The account manager behaves like he8217s doing this especially for you to recover the losses. Again, you will loose And more bonus (fake) money in your account. Then he has more good trades and signals for you to loose all that bonus money too and of course you get a call for another 8216sure8217 trade when you deposit more. In the mean time he recommends a zulu trader who will blow the rest of your money So, stay away or go against the signal DO NOT TRUST THEM A good account manager will always advice you to trade with a small percentage of your investment portfolio. Also Do not trust the first 8216review8217 you can find cause they are most of the time marketers with their referral links all over I deposited 5,250 in Banc De Binary. I did not participate in trading and requested that they return my money. I received the entire amount in 7-10 days. Well, where do I start8230. I guess from the beginning would be best. I was laid off from the oil industry as oil prices fell. So I decided to do some educating, so I enrolled into a very expensive course which takes a year to complete and whilst doing this I was applying for jobs and looking for other ways to earn money. This is when I came across BINARY TRADING options and somehow only found good reviews about it and in particular BDB, so I gave it a try and signed up with BDB. THIS WAS MY FIRST BIG MISTAKE, because I was unemployed and hoping that this will be my be all and end all to all my money woes. Do not attempt to trade/gamble if you do not have a job and also if you know nothing about the stock market let me be quite clear about this, because then you are chasing money rather than being intelligent in your choices. Straight away I had several account managers phoning me and asking me to deposit money. This I did initially with 250. I then got an account manager called Leo Harris( alias Shark) who called me. He said that I need to put in another 100 to get me into the BRONZE category which gives me better trades. This I did8230.. I got the paperwork of my deposits signed them and sent back to them copies of my passport etc which I thought was strange and all in the argument of money laundering. Bullshit really He phoned me each day talking and being rather friendly so I thought it can8217t be bad and I was looking forward to 8216trading8217. This happened on a Thursday, and on Friday Leo says to me, can you put another 5000 then I can give you a bonus of 1000 and this puts us into the 8216GOLD8217 class group which gives us better trades. Well this was done, and after all paperwork and verification was completed we got trading. 500/trade 8211 fast trades. After all was done and dusted I was sitting under 6000. This should have been my first warning sign but I did not heed the small voice inside. The following week Leo phoned me up again and asked me to deposit another 5000 to put me into the 8220PREMIUM8221 account category( I was thinking that if this was a good way of making money then why can8217t we build up my money from trading 8211 another warning sign that I chose to ignore). So I said to him if I do this I will be borrowing money and if we win then I need to pay this lender back asap. He agreed but reiterated that it is a risk. I was also sent bank charges of 29/deposit made which was not explained to me from the onset. So I borrowed 5000 from a friend who knows me really well and knows that I am good for my word, so he gives it to me. I then deposited it,( I am sure that Leo is now rubbing his hands together). He tells me that he will phone me at certain times which he doesn8217t 8211 he phones me when he chooses( another sign I ignored). He mentions trades that are going on but we do not trade. I am looking at my trading platform and I am trading a tenner here and a tenner there and I am winning here and losing there. Friday comes again and I have been told of a certain trade that comes into fruition at 13.30, Leo phones me at 9.00am and tells me of this and that I must expect him to call me before that time to trade. He has also told me that he has added another 5000 bonus to my account, so I have now got 16000 to start trading WOW ( I have not read the terms and conditions of the bonus yet, but that is yet to come) Leo did not phone me at 13.30 which is what I expected, but he did phone me at 17.30pm when I was packing up my computer and readying myself for the weekend. He says come on lets get going, so in a hurry I get ready and he tells me to trade on his chosen currencies which I follow whilst he is on the phone. He then tells me I will call you back soon ok and says goodbye. I am now walking around in limbo as we were trading huge amounts 1600/trade and we exhausted the entire account. He calls me back 10 minutes later and says are we ready to trade, I have a look and we have 6000 and I said to him we made a huge loss, he reassures me that just be patient and watch and sure enough as the trades came in the account balance rose to 22000 So he says lets keep going whilst we are on a roll( I am now thinking that I can pay my lender back next week) but Leo is on me, saying come on Shane lets do this ( another lesson to be learned here guys 8211 a good trader will diversify his trades although one can make money on just one asset, and will also not use his or her total account balance). So we exhaust the balance yet again this time 2000/ trade. So here comes the finale, I take Leo8217s advice( after all he is the expert) and whilst he is on the phone we trade to his advice. He says to me I will phone you in ten minutes, I said no 8211 that is it, I am going home and have a great weekend. Saturday morning arrives and I thought that I will have a look at my balance and put in a withdrawal application to repay my friend. WELL8230. I found 5857 left in the account and only the last two trades came in. I was shocked. This is when I realised that I could have lost the whole lot in just 6 minutes. Leo phones me on Monday morning and says well that did not go well, but if you can put in another 5000 then we can get back into the 8216best8217 trade bracket again. I could not believe what I was hearing. I said to him that if you had left it there at 22000 then I could have paid that person back, he tells me it is risk. So I asked him why don8217t we trade and earn that money back, and he tells me that the better trades are reached when you trade with bigger amounts. I told him that no I can8217t do that. He stops phoning me that day. I then write an email to the first account manager that put me onto him, a guy called Nicholas McCartney, and told him that I was not interested in trading with Leo anymore and told him why. A few days later I have an email from a 8216PLATINUM8217 account manager Brian Lewis who says that he has been asked to help my predicament. By this time I have found more reviews 8211 a lot of negative ones now on BDB and one in particular mentions how this former client had the same problems as I have mentioned. He went on to say that they replaced his broker with a platinum account broker who said that he would take care of his needs 8211 well being confident he trusted his new found business friend and guess what, his account was wiped out. I though that this is not going to happen to me. I then try to draw money out and it is refused due to now the conditions of the bonus acceptance which was not explained to me and really forced upon one deceitfully. So I thought well if I am to try and win money then I will do it myself( this is where having no other source of income puts pressure on trade decisions because it becomes a matter of desperation rather than intelligent thought or market research( the latter is pretty useless in this current market at the moment) So I start trading and during one of my trades on GOLD I noticed differences the signals next to my strike rate box and the indicator on the graphs I lost that trade even though the indicator was saying that I was in the money. So I got my camera out and took photos of the next trade 8211 this seemed to happen on my GOLD trades only and I took photos of this occurrence several times. I reported this to CYSEC, the FSA, Watchdog and the Financial Times. The only people to write back to me were the FSA, who said they do not have the authority to intervene and that I should try the finical ombudsman 8211 no answer from them either. So here I am, stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can8217t take my money out, manipulated trades and after reporting my suspicions to my newly appointed account manager who is obviously not concerned due to his silence now, I find that I am now on my own in this huge trading world So I decide well it is time to learn and I stop studying for my technical qualification that I write in August, and I start reading and taking down values so that I have some historical data to refer to. And for the next two months I erode my remaining balance down to nothing. Furthermore during this time I have noticed how they restricted some of my trades and the times at which I could trade at which I complained to Brian in an email to which he did not reply to but suddenly I was getting those assets again. This to me was constructed to ensure my demise. I was told by the FSA that they have no authority on BINARY platforms as they view this as a gambling business, so let me just fill you in. Trading is whereby you buy goods or services for another in the hope of gain/profit. Here in Binary trading, one is only placing a 8216bet8217 on whether that trade will go up or down that is it. If you get it right, you win your money back plus a small percentage 8211 70 8211 90 is small. I say this because here are some other things that you should look at doing if you are a gambling man. If you buy stock and shares you can gain up to 5000 of your investment. You can also lose it all to, this is where market research comes into play 8211 know your asset. If you bet on horses you can win many thousands on one bet with just a hundred or less depending on the stakes. But when you lose you lose all the same. So now we ask what happens to that money we lose Who gains it This is a question that I put forward to my account manager who could not answer it( yet another sign). Well I will tell you this if it is anything like William Hill or any other betting shop, your loses go into that business account and stays with them until they declare their earnings to the taxman. So if you lose they gain, if you win they also gain. They are on a win win streak all the time. It is your choice though. For me if I had another chance I would refrain from this practice and stick to horses or proper trading. At least with horses the race cannot be manipulated by the bookies alone :) By the way have a look here - US regulatory an legal issues Banc de Binary did claim to have an office in New York City inside of Trump Towers, but this was in fact a virtual office space without significant physical presence. Negociar e oferecer serviços financeiros a consumidores dos EUA sem obter uma licença dos reguladores dos EUA em primeiro lugar é ilegal, pois significaria que o cliente não teria proteção. A empresa também alega em seu site em seu relatório de empresas do Reino Unido ter um escritório em 1 King Street, EC2, na cidade de Londres, mas semelhante ao seu endereço na cidade de Nova York este é também um escritório virtual. Banc de Binary8217s UK Companies House report says that they8217re based in Cyprus. Em 6 de junho de 2013, o Banc De Binary foi cobrado tanto pela Comissão de Negociação de Futuros de Mercadorias (CFTC) quanto pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC) por supostas violações dos regulamentos financeiros dos EUA. In a press release (Investor Alert: Binary Options and Fraud) the CFTC also warned consumers of 8220fraudulent schemes involving binary options and their trading platforms8221.2 Have a great day guys and good luck. James Michaels Banc De Binary 24option Withdrawal Problems AnyOption Erfahrungen 187 Fazit von Tradern: aus 51 Bewertungen 187 Unser Test zu Spreads Plattform Orderausf252hrung Service Jetzt lesen Banc De Binary Deposit Methods Binary Options Signals Sms Zdarma Gromeister Kang aus Korea, 7. Dan, lehrt Selbstverteidigung Formen (Poomse), Bruchtest (Kyok Pa) und Freikampf (Kyorugi), seit ber 20 Jahren in Deutschland. Jetzt 8230 Online Binary Options Trading Platform Promissory Nov 20, 2015 183032Verbesserte Bild und Ton Version hier: youtu. be/cSyUZOGGyXA Anmeldung und Teilnahme: www. werebank/join Weitere Vortr228ge WeRe Vortrag mit NORMA Group SE Aktie im 220berblick: Realtimekurs, Chart, Fundamentaldaten, sowie aktuelle Nachrichten und Meinungen. Start 8211 Du bist frei Alle Banken, Regierungen und Konzerne sind weltweit zwangsvollstreckt worden. Diese Website kann Michael Allen is the main author at www. 8230 Handelsplattform Banc de Binary benutzt die sehr popul228re Spot Option Handelsplattform. Complex james michaels banc de binary representation placed beat recouping strategy investment pays a james michaels banc de binary fee dealers good highly live win 8230 169 2016 by bring the pixel. Remember to change this. Back to Top Welcome To Beaver Courie 8230 bin228ren optionen wann bin228re optionen handeln feiertag anyoption paypal bin228re optionen pdf www binaereoptionen com www banc de binary 8230 Binary Options trading involves a certain level of 8230 Banc De Binary Server Spread Betting Brokers Stockpair Free Demo Account Michael Freeman Binary Options 8230 Jul 28, 2015 1830328230 //www. optionfair/binary/resp/regulation/indexdeoftc87124ampp1 8230 Michael Freeman 8230 Bin228re Optionen Anbieter Banc de Binary 8230 Greven, Michael Th. 1993: 8230 Johnson, James, 1994: 8230 Beyond Binary Contradictions and Into Multicultural Spectrums, in: 8230 8230 Rom. 220berpr252fen Sie diese Seite www. housetrip/ de/ferienwohnungen-suchen/rom. Viele Hotels 252berall geben wichtige Rabatte. Allerdings, 8230 Finding Aid to the Rosalie Ritz courtroom drawings, 1968-1982 Banc De Swiss Home Binary Options Trading Signal Scam 8230 Binary Option Robot can execute 3 different trading systems. 8230 James Bond, Agent 007, ist ein 8230 Feb 10, 2014 183032Beim Handel mit Binary Options hat man als aktiver Trader 8230 Ian-Michael Smith 281 views. 13:50 How to trade binary options with Banc de Swiss 8230 Michael Rubens Bloomberg war nach zw246lf Jahren im Amt nicht mehr B252rgermeister von New York, 8230 Bank De Binary App Banc de Binary verwendet EV-SSL 8230 Online Brokerage Comparison 24option Withdrawal Problems AnyOption Erfahrungen 187 Fazit von Tradern: aus 51 Bewertungen 187 Unser Test zu Spreads Plattform Orderausf252hrung Service Jetzt lesen Banc De Binary Deposit Methods Binary Options Signals Sms Zdarma Gromeister Kang aus Korea, 7. Dan, lehrt Selbstverteidigung Formen (Poomse), Bruchtest (Kyok Pa) und Freikampf (Kyorugi), seit ber 20 Jahren in Deutschland. Jetzt 8230 Online Binary Options Trading Platform Promissory Nov 20, 2015 183032Verbesserte Bild und Ton Version hier: youtu. be/cSyUZOGGyXA Anmeldung und Teilnahme: www. werebank/join Weitere Vortr228ge WeRe Vortrag mit NORMA Group SE Aktie im 220berblick: Realtimekurs, Chart, Fundamentaldaten, sowie aktuelle Nachrichten und Meinungen. Start 8211 Du bist frei Alle Banken, Regierungen und Konzerne sind weltweit zwangsvollstreckt worden. Related PostsBanc De Binary Review About Banc De Binary is a global investment house that specializes in binary option trading. Established in 2009 Banc De Binary offers a grand total of 120 different tradable assets offering good payouts of up to 90 on certain underlying assets. Entering their platform now is a delight with their updated SpotOption platform Bonuses A bonus of 50 of the opening deposit is available, but customers who accept the bonus are not allowed to make withdrawals until they have made trades equal to 20 times their initial deposit. By accepting a bonus offer, one has to meet a series of terms and conditions in order to withdraw your funds. If you refuse the bonus you can deposit and withdraw as you need. Deposit bonus is up to 100 for first time deposit trader. Trader will also earn 2.5 interest of your unused funds in your trading account Software Banc De Binary has updated their SpotOption trading platform to 2.0 giving a much better and smoother trading performance especially with their Fast Trading Options: 30 Second, 60 Second and 120 Second which makes for user friendly trading. Customer Support Banc De Binary offer support 24/7 in various languages via Live chat, and email they are fluent In : In addition there are the following support options: Continue To Registration Depositing funds US Dollar, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Euro Account Funding: Visa, MasterCard, Dinners Club, Maestro International, JCB, Carte Bleue, Dankort, CartaSi, Laser, Discover, Liberty Reserve, MoneyBookers, Money Gram, Wire Transfer Minimum Deposit . 250 Deposit Methods: Credit Card, Electronic Payment, Wire Transfer Credit Cards Accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Amex, Diners Club International Minimum of 1000USD for Wire Transfer Withdrawal Withdrawal of funds takes 2 days to process through their website using: Credit or Debit Card Bank Wire Moneybookers Demo Account Banc de Binary offer traders a demo account Integrity/Regulation Banc De Binary are the 1 st licensed stand alone broker in the EU, they are regulated by CySEC and FSA UKAs for reliability, Banc de Binary uses real time price quotes streamed from Thomson Reuters. Read Traders Comments Conclusion Banc De Binary has a good portfolio for trading with 120 different assets, including stocks, commodities, Forex pairs and Indices, which includes trading on week-ends. Good, professional customer support, an excellent updated trading platform that is easy to navigate. A demo account is included in their package, giving traders a chance to familiarize themselves with the trading platform before putting up an investment. Above all they are regulated giving the trader peace of mind that his security and money is safe. 30 September 2016 - OptionWeb is no longer accepting new traders according to our resources. 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It is even easier when you have our devoted staff with years of experience behind them at your disposal for any kind of assistance you might possibly need. This have developed, the technology enables you to implement many financial tools, all the Prestige Option users find quite helpful. It gives the opportunity to trade binary options. By opening an account with this new agent, access to your trading platform is obtained. This will provide the opportunity to invest in various forms of binary options. License Of Prestige Option: The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) is the supervisory and regulatory authority for Investment Services firms in Cyprus and is a member of the committee of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The license is subject to the Cyprus Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007, which is coordinate with the requirements of the European Parliaments Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) to ensure a high level of investor protection and investment services we offer comply with applicable regulations. Includes Of Prestige Option: Deposit Methods: It shows you the four ways to fund your account. Such as credit ca r d, Wire transfe r, Local p ayment options, Skrill/Money bookers and Secure bank wire. Withdrawal Methods: You have to give the photo ID, Valid ID proof, Address proof for withdrawal option. It will only able to transfer your funds to a bank account that has the same name as your Prestige option account. Transferring your funds to another persons account isnt possible. This doesnt require longer than 3 to 5 business days for you to receive your funds. Prestige Option Training Center: It provides all the practical skills training to the economic professional all over the wor ld. Live Webinars: You will get the calendar events. Videos Centre: It is step-by-step instruction of trading. Library: It is the online eBoo ks. Education: It will teach you the methodologies and skills through training program as like professi onal. Glossary: In the Glossar y, you will find out the financial terms. Features Of Prestige Option: Trading Platform: Prestige Option uses the trading platform such as currencies, stocks, commodities and indices. Main features Of Prestige Option: It is short-term, long-term, Ris k-O-Mater and trader. Minimum Withdrawal Amount: There is no limit for withdrawal amount. Minimum Deposit Amount: The Minimum Deposit amount is start trading is 100 USD, EUR. for Wire transfer is 500 USD, Euro. Minimum Trade Amount: The Minimum Trade Amo unt, For short period of time up to 5 minutes is 10 and for the rest it is 25. Payment Option: You can also pay using the debit or credit card such as, MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club, Maestro and JBC. Customer Support Service: Customer support is available Monday-Friday between 9 AM and 8 PM (European Eastern time) excluding stock exchange holidays The Assets Of Prestige Option: Currencies: AUD/CAD, AUD/CHF, AUD/JPY, AUD/U SD. Stocks: Trading Hours, Amazon, Apple, B anco Santander, B arclays. Commodities: Copper futures, C rude oil future, Gold, Gold/EUR. Indices: DAX 30 futures, Dow Jo nes futues, D ubai In dex. Pairs: A mazon Vs. Alibaba, Gold Vs Silver. Prestige Option Bonuses: Prestige Option will gives you two kinds of bonuses. Such as, Pending Bonus, and Profit Bonus. Pending Bonus: This is a non-traded bonus that remains separate from its background and becomes available for trading and withdrawal after reaching a target volume. You are free to withdraw your deposit and profit at any time, but if the bonus is made will be canceled. After reaching the target volume bonus is added to your funds as unrestricted money to retire. Profit Bonus: This bonus will make the benefit of the bonus can not be withdrawn have been given before the target volume achieved. Deposit can be withdrawn. In case of withdrawal of the bonus and the benefit derived from having given the bonus canceled. Referral Bonus: You can also earn a referral bonus of up to 200 every time one of your friends signs up with the prestige option: Invite them to join without hassle. And Your referrals will get a gift of 50 on request using the code in this program. Pros Of Prestige Option: Prestige Option is easy to implement and earn more profits. This does not need any prior experience or knowledge. It will really helps you to avoid scams or errors. You don8217t need to download for updates or download necessary. The experience customer service is available to you 24/7 via email, online chat or phone. The main advantage of this program is secure your valuable money and time. Cons Of Prestige Option: It is does not have demo account as well as deposit bonus. This is the major disadvantage of using this Prestige Option. With No Internet connection, you can not accessible this Prestige Option. If you are decided to start the binary options, The first thing you have to choose for a binary options broker. Here is the program which complete removes the fake trade and human errors. Prestige Option is the 100 legitimate binary broker program that helps you to trade with the binary option more efficiently. It is user-friendly and highly reliable. You can trade and enjoy trading with the binary option. 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